Software Testing


VMware Network Connections in the Software Testing Field

A flexible VMware Workstation virtual platform (when properly used) can be considered as a good tool for testing and developing the software of various types.


Useful Tips on How to Develop Competencies and Skills of QA Engineers

The members of a QA department, both manager and junior quality assurance engineer, should constantly develop their skills, gain new knowledge.


Proper Establishment of a Testing Process

This article will highlight the process of testing related to test projecting and test integration, that efficiently complement an overall software development process.


Main Principles and Benefit of A/B Testing

Statistical data allows us to know if any changes benefit the resource or they just do harm to it without a significant loss of customers. This method is called A/B testing, checking of the most extraordinary hypothesis and versions without considerable losses.


Bug Clustering

Bug clustering is one of 7 main testing principles and it’s not just a theoretic term as it seems. Most testers who have real experience working on the projects will confirm this statement.


5 Useful Books on Software Testing

What to expect from the work if you’re an IT specialist and we get new information all the time? Everyone should be ready for constant professional self-education and self-development. And obviously, the best assistant in these processes are books.


17 Best Free Tools for Usability Testing

When developers work on correct optimization of the website performance, they need to know how the end-user will use it. That’s where usability testing comes in. We’ve selected 17 best tools that can effectively solve all the tasks of these tests.


How to Conduct a Qualitative Test of a Mobile Web Application

Mobile app testing has common features with desktop software testing. More specifically, they have similar HTML, CSS, JS. But on the other side, there are some differences that we will talk about.


Statistic Portals for Mobile Software

On the projects where mobile applications are developed, general testing is a required step. Except for classic OS and DPI parameters, specialists also need information about device usage. It allows covering the most common technical combinations (device + operating system) with tests.


The Benefits of Negative Testing

This article will highlight why we shouldn’t forget about negative testing while executing manual and automated tests.