Software Testing


Six Stages of the Testing Process Development at a Product Company

This article will help a reader to track the entire development of the testing process, see what stage has been already reached and also, understand how we can simplify and improve the process of software testing inside a company.


Concept and Techniques of Test Design in QA Specialist’s Life

A lot of QA specialists heard about such a concept as test design but a few use these methodologies. Why this is so? Indeed, test design techniques are a basic component of test scenario development. Let’s figure this out.


Communication In Everyday Life of a Tester

The job of a QA engineer is the role that entails communication with numerous people (developers, clients, managers, analysts, designers, and sometimes – potential users of a product) on all possible topics while performing software testing. Their cycle of professional communication is quite big and he/she needs to build respective and clear communication with each of them.


How to Install and Configure Android Debug Bridge (ADB) on Windows and macOS

Android Debug Bridge is a universal tool with huge functionality. It can be used on different OSes which is a key to effective work with mobile devices.


The Most Common Models of Software Development

To simplify the processes of projecting, development, and release of a new product, specialists created models of the software development lifecycle. Further, in the article, we’ll analyze the most popular models in software development.


How Should We Perform Big Data Testing?

This article is dedicated to a thorough analysis of aspects of testing big data applications, which is a little bit different from REST API testing in some specific technical methods.


Cache, Cookies, Browser Session: How to Use Them in Software Testing

Every QA engineer who offers web application testing services should be familiar with such terms as cache, cookies, and browser session.


Professional Development of the Tester That Has No Automation Skills

The software testing field has such a stereotype: the best way to develop as a QA engineer is to gradually study automation basics and related technics of web software testing. But, actually, it’s not true. Today there are numerous specialized fields of professional development, numerous job openings for popular roles, and positions that are valued in the same way as automation.


Karate Framework – a Useful Tool for Test Automation

Karate framework is quite a new, simple, and powerful product on the market of specialized web tools for virtual service testing. Its main value lies in the fact that a tester doesn’t have to be familiar with peculiarities of the testing process on the Java language or test automation.


The Concept of Agile, a Flexible Software Development Methodology

Agile is a flexible software development methodology that offers numerous advantages not only for developers but for a client too. Agile helps the developers to solve many issues that arise unexpectedly, is more efficient and faster. By reorganizing and rethinking the actions related to software development, Agile achieves the goals in a flexible and business-development way.