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More often than not a system possesses the great number of functions and there is not always a possibility to check them all. That’s why before the functional testing start these or those test cases and use cases are prioritized. The mobile testing companies usually allocate the time resources according to the set priorities and then the attention is payed to the most important ones.

To specify some standard functional testing scripts is quite a difficult task because of the variety of applications, but it is possible to distinguish the most spread modules, create test cases for them and use them further modifying according to some specific requirements.

Mobile functional testing services provide checking both positive and negative scenarios for every function. Scenario is considered to be a positive if a user ultimately gains his/her purpose (creates an item, sends a message and so on). Negative scenario is a conversely one – at some of the steps an error appears and a purpose cannot be succeeded.

For example let’s consider login/logout and creation of a contact (section, user or any other item).

Standard Login/Logout Implies the Following Options:

  • registration: with login and password, without password, via social networks and so on;
  • authorization: with login and password, via social networks and so on;
  • password recovery;
  • logout from the system: independent, at the session’s expiration and so on.

Positive Scenarios:

  • registration to an app is available in all the described in the test task ways;
  • it is possible to register by filling in only the required fields;
  • it is possible to register by filling in all the provided fields;
  • user can authorize to an app after the registration. Herewith the entered data (e-mail, password, personal Info and so on) are saved correctly in the Profile;
  • after registration on one device it is possible to register on another one – data are successfully saved on the server and are accessible;
  • logout from the system works correctly;
  • password recovering operates in a proper way.

Negative Scenarios (the Most Obvious):

  • repeated registration with the same e-mail or login is not possible;
  • registration without filling in the required fields is unavailable;
  • registration with all the fields empty cannot be performed;
  • registration with data in the format which does not meet the requirements is not available;
  • authorization with empty fields is impossible;
  • authorization with incorrect/deleted/blocked login is not available;
  • authorization with wrong password is impossible.

Contact creation

It is reasonable to assume that if user creates a contact so there should be an ability to view, edit and delete it. It is basic set of functions which the item can assess.

Positive Scenarios:

  • creating, updating, viewing and removing contacts are available;
  • creating a contact with a minimum and maximum set of data is possible;
  • while creation all the data types described in test task are accurately processed;
  • contact is available for review after the creation;
  • update considers mandatory fields/data/elements – it’s impossible to save a contact without them;
  • contact is unavailable after removing.

Negative Scenarios:

  • creation of two identical contacts is inaccessible (this can be also considered as a positive scenario);
  • creation of a contact with the mandatory elements/data absent is not possible.

GUI Testing Can Also be Referred to the Functional Testing:

  • testing screens on matching with layouts;
  • checking the “native” gestures’ operation: swipe, multi touch and so on – an app should respond to them in a certain way;
  • verification of the elements’ state: buttons change color if they are clicked; lists are expanded and collapsed and so on;
  • localization testing services can be set in motion if an app contains more than one language locale. Herewith it is important to pay attention at the layout – many names in foreign languages displays longer than in English or Russian.

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