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When providing the software quality assurance testing services, dedicated testers use manual software testing methods as well as automated ones. As a rule, the dedicated testing team uses different automated testing tools for mobile applications testing services.

One of the most popular tools is DeviceAnywhere Platform. This tool provides a cloud-based platform for both testing and monitoring the mobile application functionality.

The product is a distribution model of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), that delivers apps through Internet and allows the developers to access more than 1,500 real mobile devices from across the world. Using DeviceAnywhere, developers and testers get the remote access to real mobile devices, start monitoring processes in order to detect defects before the mobile or web app get into the hands of end-users and create automated test scripts.

Software testing companies tend to ensure the quality of the software products:

  • mobile applications for iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, Android;
  • simultaneous viewing and evaluating the display of mobile content on various devices;
  • mobile and web application testing on the real-time basis.

High competence and experience of software specialists allow them to market quality mobile content with advanced features and as a result, earn the customers’ trust.

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