QA Consulting


What You Should Learn to Become a Tester: Quick and Useful Tips

If you wish to master the profession of a QA engineer, you should understand its basics and also be ready to dedicate a lot of time to learning material. Further, we will describe some useful tips on what you should learn to become a tester.


Top QA Engineer Jobs in US Companies in 2022

Nowadays, some may believe that there are too many testers in the field of IT. But this is absolutely not true! And a lot of companies always look for good specialists. This article is a short list of the most attractive and interesting offers for all those who are looking for a job in software testing field with 1 year of experience or more.


Universal Rules and Tips of Communication Between Testers and Developers

Experience goes together with the understanding of actions that should or should not be done. This rule can be applicable to all types of work relations. Further, we will analyze the most popular and clear rules for building communication between a testing department and a development department.


How to Create Great User Documentation

One of the responsibilities of a QA department is creating technical documentation for the product under test. Of course, testers aren’t writers, but all the documents that end users receive should be as clear and easy to read as possible. How to create documentation that will meet all the user’s demands? The answer is in this article.


Several Tips for Mastering the Profession of Software Tester

The study of new material should be structured according to the tasks set, with a clearly defined execution plan. This contributes to the achievement of the ultimate goals. If your goal is to master the profession of a tester, there are some reccomendations that will help you do this much effectively.


Easy Ways of Testing Documentation

Every tester will sooner or later understand all benefits of early testing and try to review clients’ requirements, architecture settings, and other technical records with a clear conscience. Further, we’ll talk about easy methods to perform documentation testing.


Top 6 Popular QA Communities in 2022

QA communities can help you get answers to almost every question, save time spent searching for unnecessary material and protect you from taking unnecessary actions. We can divide current QA communities into groups: the ones that are located on social networks and the ones that represent highly specialized forums. Further, we’ll analyze each group in detail.


Types of Freemium

Freemium is a business model that offers a possibility to use a free version of the software that contains basic functionality or a paid version with extended features. Further, we will give a short overview of this model.


What IT Solutions Improve Tourism Customer Loyalty and Should They Be Tested?

Modern IT solutions not only optimize day-to-day routine but also improve the quality to provide services for potential users. Implementation of virtual tours, optimization of daily web tasks, and price monitoring are a few examples of how we can use modern technologies in the hospitality and tourism sector. This article provides a short description of IT trends that become popular in this field and the correct way to implement them at the stage of development in web testing companies.


Main Principles of an Average Single Tester

Today we’ll talk about traps that open up in the solo testers’ day-to-day work. They will be extremely useful for those who manage test processes and organize QA work. Even if someone finds these tips superficial, they may help you to test software much better.