QA Consulting


NDA in IT: Concept and Main Features

Let’s assume that several product companies cooperate regularly. Employees of these companies are constantly communicating with each other – on corporate calls, during personal meetings, via e-mail, and so on.


How to Behave Properly at Networking

Networking is a process of creating and developing useful acquaintances and connections. It is a kind of investment in your future: just make new acquaintances, which may be useful in business or career. More contacts – more opportunities.


Using the Shift Left Strategy in Software Testing

With each new day, the demand for quality software products is increasing, and project teams have to experiment and apply new approaches to web product development.


Why Are Names Important in the IT Sector?

The names of teams, groups, and departments play a significant role in the IT sector. But why are they so important? We will try to answer this question with the help of four root causes.


Serverless360 Azure, a Tool for Testing Serverless Servers

Serverless360 Azure is universal software that can assist in unifying Azure distribution channels within one system. The program allows beta testing companies to solve such issues as the absence of connection between applications, the absence of connection from the integrated software side, the absence of single monitoring, the absence of an audit, and also web security issues.


Is It Possible to Train a Senior QA Within the Product Team? Practical Advice

Let’s say, for example, that in the company where you work, as a software tester, there are some middle QAs who want to develop further. What should your team lead do to help them become first-class seniors? Below are practical tips on how to properly grow senior QA within the product team and what challenges this entails.


Advantages of a Bug Bash and the Proper Way to Complete It

We all know that a bug bash is a good method to implement multi-level exploratory testing. Such an event brings together employees from different teams and areas of activity. This reduces snow blindness and helps to benefit from the experiences and perspectives of many people.


What Is the Best Ratio Between Testers and Developers?

Sometimes you can meet the following question on specialized IT forums: what is the best ratio between testers and developers? You can use various ratios and each one will have either benefits or drawbacks.
Further, we will analyze some examples of them in detail.


Why Do Bugs Occur in Software?

Is it possible to finally get rid of defects and other bugs in the software? Why are there so many of them and what’s the nature of their appearance? It is significantly important to understand at least the basic reasons of bug occurance to improve the process of software testing.


Stages of a Bug Bash During Software Development

In software development, there is such a thing as a bug bash – an event when testing is performed by a QA team, developers, designers, project managers, and other specialists who are working on a product. This method helps to find additional errors if any. Further, we will analyze its main stages.