QA Consulting


Software Testing Lab: What Differentiates Good Requirements from Bad Ones?

There are characteristics of good product requirements: Necessary Each software requirement should contain something that the users really want or that is needed for compliance with external system standard. Besides, it must originate from a source that is authorized to define the requirements. Keep track of each requirement back to its initiation like use case, business rules, regulation, etc. Software

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QA Consulting Companies: Static vs. Dynamic Testing

Static testing is a test activity related to analyzing software applications. Static testing is conducted to confirm that the work product, for example, such as a design specification, correctly implements all requirements of the system, and verify if the design deliverables satisfy the quality standards. In fact, static testing is one of the most efficient & effective techniques of detecting

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Assurance Testing Services: Technical and Operational Errors

Assurance testing services are meant to search for all types of errors that can be present in software apps / products or system. It is much better to prevent errors than to fix them as it may cost your company too dearly. Errors in the program were missed Operational Errors You will always miss the errors, because all possible test

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Quality Consulting Firms: Who Uses the Test Documentation

The main criterion for estimating the practical value of a document is how its content is clear and understandable to the reader. This is precisely what the author of the document focuses on, and, therefore, he must know exactly who will read it and what level of competence this person has. In addition, it is important to know what objectives

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Quality Consulting Firms: Who Uses the Test Documentation

The main criterion for estimating the practical value of a document is how its content is clear and understandable to the reader. This is precisely what the author of the document focuses on, and, therefore, he must know exactly who will read it and what level of competence this person has. In addition, it is important to know what objectives

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Assurance Testing Services: Technical and Operational Errors

Assurance testing services are meant to search for all types of errors that can be present in software apps / products or system. It is much better to prevent errors than to fix them as it may cost your company too dearly. Errors in the program were missed You will always miss the errors, because all possible test cases cannot

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Information From Quality Control Company: Adaptive Testing

Loading, saving, import and export basic and extended ASCII characters and symbols Create text files with all the 255-characters extended ASCII set or its subset that is supported by your program. Save them. Look at what happens when they are loaded with the code pages that can be installed by users. Save the full character set in all file formats

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Quality Assurance Consultant: ISO / IEC 12207 and IEEE / EIA 12207 Standards

ISO / IEC 12207 is an international standard developed by the joint efforts of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The standard specifies the structure of the software lifecycle processes from concept to retirement. This standard is compatible with the quality system method, ISO 9001 – the the world’s most recognized quality assurance standard

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Quality Assurance Consultant: ISO / IEC 12207 and IEEE / EIA 12207 Standards

ISO / IEC 12207 is an international standard developed by the joint efforts of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The standard specifies the structure of the software lifecycle processes from concept to retirement. This standard is compatible with the quality system method, ISO 9001 – the the world’s most recognized quality assurance standard

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Software Testing Consulting: Cross Reference Matrix

The test-requirements cross-reference matrix demonstrates how each requirement is listed within software requirements specification. In some cases it can be represented in a form of a table. The general approach to defining test cases involves using tables that enumerate the possible input data and actions that will be applied to the test cases. Each of these pairs (input data /

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