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Holding a meeting can be seen from 2 sides. On the one hand, it’s a great opportunity to establish team cooperation. But on the other side, such a meeting leads to a huge waste of valuable time and greatly affects the productivity of the entire team.

How to find the right golden mean for both the project manager and the development team? What are the most effective principles of organizing meetings? Let’s talk about it in more detail.

Types of Meetings in Product Teams

In the field of project management, it is customary to distinguish the following forms of corporate meetings:

  • Brainstorming meetings allow you to generate new ideas or establish connections between the concepts under discussion.
  • Problem-solving meetings are very relevant for collective discussion of certain problems and finding ways to solve them.
  • Team-building meetings are used to develop working teams and establish general interaction.
  • One-on-one meetings to discuss specific tasks between two people.
  • Status update meetings to analyze the progress of certain tasks. This type of meeting is already a bit outdated, so it is gradually being abandoned.

The downside of meetings or how to overcome possible conflicts

Despite all the opinions that meetings have many advantages, not everyone is satisfied with their number and quality. There can be a lot of complaints: you need to spend working time on a meeting which sometimes can be too long or very boring.

To minimize the negative impact, you should keep in mind the following tips.

Plan the right time and place for the meeting

Each meeting should be limited in time and held exclusively on the basis of the approved regulations. It is recommended not to plan meetings all over the calendar. It is best to find free time for meetings and hold them gradually. At the same time, we also recommend to plan the days without meetings.

The number of participants should be minimal

When there are few participants, less time is spent on the meeting and there are more opportunities for discussion with each employee individually. This format is a good idea for daily meetings: you can invite only those specialists who have something to talk about.

Special attention to scrum meetings

Scrum management is an absolute focus on employees. Therefore, meetings based on this principle are not just a “report for the boss” but also effective communication between team members. Such meetings help to overcome stress factors that arise due to difficulties in solving certain tasks.

Draw conclusions and proceed

The task and every problem discussed in the meeting must be solved! All changes and additions must be implemented. If not, the meeting loses its value. Record all decisions and subsequent actions. After the meeting, send key information to all participants by email.

To Sum up

Nowadays, meetings have long gone beyond the traditional “planning” and “five-minute” meetings. If everything is organized properly, team meetings allow each subsequent project to benefit and each member of the team to feel their importance and significance.

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