Software Testing Services


Main Concept and Peculiarities of a Client-Server Architecture

The peculiarities of the client-server system interaction allow us to share certain functionality and computational load between connected client web products and server applications, create and perform comprehensive tests of any web product.


Implementation of XSS Injections While Performing Security Testing

In this article, we will talk about security testing using the example of such system vulnerability as XSS injections, with the help of which a hacker can easily inject his dangerous scripts into pages that will be viewed by Internet users in the future.


Performing Database Testing: First Things to Look for

DB is quite an important part of any software, so it’s very important to test its performance beforehand, by testing the correctness and security of information input. DB testing allows decreasing the risks that are somehow connected with the information consistency, the ability of architecture to react to load before the software will be completely ready to use.


Useful Methods of Extending an Approach to Software Testing

If you perform software testing every day and check one type of product only, you have many chances to notice that your brain starts working in one established way. And all actions are automatic. Consequently, you are likely to miss serious bugs in a product since you need to have an unusual type of thinking to search for them.


How Should We Plan Load Testing on a Project?

In today’s world of IT community, it is really easy to find tools for load testing. You can combine them in several mechanisms and simulate load in several hundreds virtual users. But it won’t do any good; if you don’t understand why to perform these tests and what what results can lead to in the future.


Best UX Testing Tools in 2020

Let’s analyze the concepts of usability and user behavior.


The Most Commonly Used Browsers for Software Testing

Today there are a lot of browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, UC Browser, Opera, and others. Which one is the best for testing? Here one should focus on the client, even though it’s not as easy as it might seem at first. That’s what we will talk about further in the article.


Choosing a Tool for Writing Test Cases

Why is this stage so important in the testing process – to choose the right tools? It helps to make the process more optimized and organize work clearly and more consistently. In the end, all these factors make a good influence on the final result.


How to Record Video of the Screen on Android Devices

Sometimes you may need to record the screen of your device. It is a common situation for a tester and for an ordinary user who needs to send someone a particular data. Let’s look into the ways how to do it.


Windows Console and Its Most Common Commands

A lot of Windows users have been using this console for a long time. But they don’t even know about all the useful features of its commands.