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Everybody knows that writing test cases is the first step towards the best-executed testing. This document includes all the necessary information: who performs testing, when and how they do it, what are the time intervals, methods, and tools.

Why is this stage so important in the testing process – to choose the right tools? It helps to make the process more optimized and organize work clearly and more consistently. In the end, all these factors make a good influence on the final result. It concerns the realization of test design as well.

The Concept of Test Case

A test case is a step-by-step instruction of the testing process with expected results for any stage. The test coverage refers to the estimation of the quality of product development. It shows the way how fully the main requirements for the product are covered with a test.

In positive test cases, specialists describe a plan of product performance with the specifications similar to the main documentation (for example, testing of the user authorization with valid information). Negative test cases allow checking the correctness of product behavior when incorrect data was entered or there was some component failure (authorization with invalid password).

Usually, there are more negative test cases than positive ones. Scenarios for testing performance of one of the product component, module, or its functionality are called a test suite.

A process of test performance with result description (passed or failed) is a test run. You can launch an unlimited number of such test runs from one test suite.

It is possible to create and group test cases into test suites in any text editor, in the form of a table or as a folder with files. Nevertheless, it will be better to use a special application for these purposes.

With the Right Tool for Writing Scenario, You Can:

  • Control and mark the final test results;
  • Describe scenarios step by step, indicating expected results;
  • Insert attachments;
  • Combine test cases into test suites;
  • Execute test runs;
  • Receive a final report on the results of a completed test run.

In practice, the functionality of such applications is much wider. But even with the minimum mentioned above, it is possible to organize testing at a high level.

Among the huge variety of test case writing tools, TestLink and TestRail deserve special attention. These programs became so popular due to their simple interface, wide functionality, and accessibility. Further, we will talk about each of them in more detail.

TestLink & TestRail

TestLink & TestRail


TestRail is a tool that provides a wide range of features for working with documentation, organization, and the testing process. It is a simple and easy-to-use program with huge functionality.

You can notice the great advantage of TestRail at the development phase of a new project. The first thing you see is the extensive setup control panel. A user can save test cases in one repository or divide them into several folders. It is possible to set access levels for all users or add some roles.

Also, the advantage of this program is the function of flexible fine-tuning fields: you can set the name, type, and location of each field. This allows making the system as convenient as possible for a specific project, delete everything unnecessary, and add only the things you need.

Some Other Tool’s Peculiarities

The TestRail’s features are even more expanded due to support of the integration with bug tracking systems. This allows you to attach required test cases and their results to tickets in Jira.

Moreover, if the program detects a bug during the test run execution, it allows you to record a defect in Jira without a need to leave the results of test cases. This significantly optimizes the testing process and shortens its time expenditures.

Before you begin testing, you have to create a test run. Another TestRail’s advantage is that you don’t have to include all test cases from the test suite. The program allows you to add only those scripts that require verification.

The result panel with completed runs deserves special attention. It is simple and clear. The results are shown in a pie chart. Its percentage shows how many cases were failed and how many of them were passed.

Besides, there is a full list with cases of the test run with the results of each scenario and section. Such a clear demonstration contributes to quick data evaluation, allows seeing progress, and making a process of project management more effective.

Also, we shouldn’t forget that TestRail has one more great function – test results documents. You can create a report for a particular period and send it via e-mail. Moreover, it is possible to save templates and use them in the future.

TestRail is a paid-for tool. But there is a free demo version to see if this utility is suitable for a particular project.


TestLink is a tool for writing test cases, creating their structure, running these test cases, generating and holding reports. This is a free platform that is making this tool even more popular among users.

No doubt, by contrast with TestRail, this application has quite a simple design and user-friendly interface.

TestLink has several levels of user access. You are able to configure each of them. Depending upon the role, users can see test results in browse mode, run tests, edit test cases, write a test plan, or completely manage the project (this refers to Administrator role).

Moreover, this tool allows creating program specifications and connecting cases only with some of them. This is a very useful feature since at any moment of the test scenario performance you can open a set of requirements and find what you need (for example, when an outsourced company conducts independent testing).

Also, TestLink has one more great function: a user can create an unlimited number of folders and files with test cases. It contributes towards correct project structuring and the ability to configure it according to the client’s request.

Interaction with TestLink begins with creating and configuring the project, and role separation. Then it’s structuring. After that, one can proceed with scenario creation.

The Test Case Attributes in TestLink Are Standard Ones:

  • ID;
  • Name;
  • Test details;
  • Preconditions;
  • Actions;
  • Expected results;
  • Value;
  • Testing method (automated or manual);
  • Status.

The program allows setting keys for a separate test case. This simplifies search against test plan especially when there are a lot of test cases. Also, you can attach some files there: images, documents, etc.

With TestLink you can choose a platform where testing will be performed (mobile device or desktop). Undoubtedly, some scenarios will be similar for every platform. To avoid the identity of test cases, the utility allows using the same scenario in several plans simultaneously. You can see the location of every particular case on the page.

During test case creation, it is important to remember that in TestLink (unlike TestRail) every step and result is separate. This complicates the process of writing a test case, meanwhile, its readability becomes better and usage becomes easier.

Also, it’s worth remembering the unloading reports function. It allows analyzing test run results, coverage of test requirements. It can be detailed (describes all the stages of plan execution) and highly specialized (show only the failed tests).

In Conclusion

Specifically chosen tools for writing test cases can significantly improve the quality of tests. It’s much easier to detect bugs when everything is managed and the results of test cases are clear.

Today there are a lot of special programs for test case writing. But the tools described above are the most popular ones. That is why every tester must know how to use them correctly.

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