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App Test Automation is a software verification process that includes the following main functions and test steps: start, initialization, execution, analysis and  test results that are performed automatically with the help of specialized tools. Test automation is similar to manual functional testing, which is performed by the robot, not by a human.

Automated testing services are popular with the users that care for higher test productivity and efficiency and test life cycle reduction.

The key advantages:

  • The improvement of test quality because, due to the use of the automation facilities “human factor” does not influence the quality of testing.
  • The ability to perform such types of testing that either cannot be performed manually or require significant costs (additional equipment, staff).
  • Speed-up of the testing process without loss of quality. Performing the same amount of work manually takes longer. The use of automation testing allows you to run pre-written scripts without further modifications.
  • In the course of testing, the reports on the software application testing results are sent out and saved automatically.

Modern software is a complex multifunctional product. Manual software testing is time-consuming and also requires considerable labor cost. For this reason, it is preferable to use test automation tools that:

Automated software testing as a service is performed in the following cases:

  • Entries in the database, file system logging, backend processes i.e. there are areas in the system that are the most difficult to access.
  • Quite frequent usage of functionality which causes a high risk to commit errors. When automating critical functionality it is possible to  find errors during testing.
  • Automated testing is effective for the routines. For instance, the forms that contain many fields for the data set (data sorting). The test process allows filling form fields automatically and verifying them after saving.
  • This type of testing allows automating the process of filling incorrect data in the fields, perform various types of verification.
  • Long scripts (end-to-end).
  • Testing of data that needs to be precisely calculated.
  • Automation of retrieval accuracy.

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