

NDA in IT: Concept and Main Features

Let’s assume that several product companies cooperate regularly. Employees of these companies are constantly communicating with each other – on corporate calls, during personal meetings, via e-mail, and so on.


How to Behave Properly at Networking

Networking is a process of creating and developing useful acquaintances and connections. It is a kind of investment in your future: just make new acquaintances, which may be useful in business or career. More contacts – more opportunities.


Using the Shift Left Strategy in Software Testing

With each new day, the demand for quality software products is increasing, and project teams have to experiment and apply new approaches to web product development.


Developer Toolkit for Improving Overall Productivity

Few can believe it, but many developers and testers are extremely lazy. However, this is a good thing. Such features allow you to automate certain work processes, because repeating the same tasks over and over again can tire you out and lead to emotional burnout.


Popular Types of Cyber-Attacks: Common and Original Methods of Hacking Platforms

DDoS attack (Distributed denial-of-service attack) This is a malicious attack that can completely or partially take your website offline. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine a situation where only one hacker organized a DDoS attack. In many cases, a cybercriminal uses a network of several local machines that have been infected with a virus. Using malicious code, the hacker

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Aspects of Testing Bluetooth Applications: a Little Guide for Junior QA

Testing Bluetooth applications can be a tough challenge, especially if the job is entrusted to someone novice to quality assurance. Bluetooth is one of the many technologies that may seem simple enough at first glance, but in fact, things are the opposite. And where are complexities, there are changes to turn into one or the other problems.


Overview of Katalon Studio: Codeless Test Automation Tool

Each year customer demands for software functionality constantly increase. Therefore, product companies must develop and expand their suite of web services to stay competitive.


List of 50 Software Testing Companies 2023

Writing about the top software testing companies can be a daunting task. With so many different companies offering varying services and levels of expertise, how does one know which one is best for their project? To help make this decision easier, we have compiled a list of the top software testing companies and provided an overview of their services and

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Best Mobile Testing Companies 2023

Mobile app testing has become an indispensable part of the app development process. With the increasing number of mobile users, the demand for quality and user-friendly mobile apps is also increasing. To ensure the quality of the app, it is crucial to test the app thoroughly before launching it in the market. In this article, we will discuss the best

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Testmatick is Recognized by GoodFirms as the Best Company to Work With

The service range of quality assurance companies has expanded increasingly in the current scenario. High-quality testing services for mobile applications, software, web applications, gaming, functional, usability, performance, etc., are in high demand. Nowadays, quality assurance specialists are prioritizing more on automated testing as compared to manual testing. Also, with technology getting smarter and better, quality assurance outsourcing has become popular,

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