

Wait Commands in Selenium

Using wait commands is important when running tests in Selenium. It allows you to avoid problems that may occur due to changes in the time delay.


15+ Testing Tools for Everyday Needs

This article is a short review of some useful software that QA engineers should always keep around. In order not to analyze this software inconsistency, we grouped all the web products described according to their technical purpose.


Actual Learning Materials for Middle QA Engineers

This article isn’t supposed to be 100% objective since every tester or QA team can use some other source of knowledge. Nevertheless, all the sources presented below have a great deal of useful information which may help you to achieve your work objectives.


Using Surveys in Software Testing Audit

This article will prove that there may be a lot of causes to conduct a survey. And all of them are profitable in one way or another. Since even negative answers and comments are also good, on their basis you can build an effective management policy, whether it is the whole company or a specific software testing department.


How Should We Test Social Media Apps?

Perhaps, nobody will deny the fact that social media have become a lifeline in today’s reality. Proper testing of a social media application is very important since even a not really important function that has not been properly tested can affect the work and business processes of thousands of people that depend on this application in some way.


What Developers Think About Software Testing

Sooner or later, testers face such developers who are fully confident that software program code shouldn’t be modified to simplify the process of its verification. This is a very important point and you cannot just ignore it. What to do in such a situation so as not to argue with colleagues but to stay on your own?


What Are Sniffers and What Is Their Role in Software Testing?

Today, we’re going to speak about sniffers – special tools that help users to intercept, edit and analyze requests that are going through them. They are used to analyze client-server interaction, emulate test suites via modifying the traffic.


Various XSS Attacks and What They Can Be Dangerous

Leaving aside the fact that the ultimate goal of an XSS attack is always to run malicious JS inside a potential victim’s web browser, the ways of its achievement are radically different from each other. So, let’s take a look at the most popular types of XSS attacks.


Involving Junior Testers in the QA Team: A Chance to Make a Qualified Specialist

The ability to think outside the box, using multiple approaches to complete tasks will be a plus. Comfortable working conditions also contribute to the development of a young professional. Nowadays, most companies are interested in hiring juniors in different testing areas.


Overview of Medical Software and Methods of Its Testing

A medical application is software developed for use in a branch of medicine and used by staff working at medical facilities (such as doctors and sometimes – nurses) and patients. Testing medical software is not quite different from testing other types of software. It only has some peculiarities together with usage of an interactive methodology.