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According to CWsites official research, about 95% of all web sites users ignore almost 80% of external content of any web page. You must admit that this statistic is really sad.

In this article, we’ll try to choose 17 main opportunities that help to improve any released web product and have to be among quality assurance services which the web companies and studios provide.

Communication With a Client

The main thing you need to take into account when you write a letter – is a level of your communication with a client. You can easily improve it if you divide the content into special blocks, using links, making a conclusion at the end of the article, and giving the client a chance to ask questions and give the answers.

Divide the Content into Separate Parts

If your site is filled with text blocks which look huge and heavy, it may be difficult to be read and understood effectively. Readability can be improved by dividing the text into blocks, paragraphs in order to make a client’s search easier.

Imagine that each paragraph of your content is the answer to some question. Try to make it readable even for those who aren’t so familiar with the given topic or problem.

Users who constantly read a text from the computer screen, are seldom concentrated only on a subject. Usually, they have their social networks open, their messengers work, there’s noise everywhere and so on.

Dividing the content into paragraphs will make their life easier – they can really quickly find necessary text block and won’t lose focus on a screen. Divide the text into small parts which won’t look frighteningly, and the user will think that reading of such blocks will take minimum time.

Use Links to Give Helpful Info

Usually, when a theme-based web site is developed, two different types of users are taken on the basis of potential clients’ percentage. In other words, some part of your users are new ones in this field, and they need a great deal of information.

Use links to give them an opportunity to get as much data as it’s possible.

Identify the Essentials and Sum Up

This trick that all of us have known since childhood is integral: at first, show the client a proposed conception, then sum up the information, given on the site. It is effectually for the content and in general, it helps to make a good impression from the web page.

A conclusion, given at the end of the article, allows a user understanding important parts of published data and memorizing quickly its main points. When you write conclusions, make them noticeable and logically clear.

Give a User an Opportunity to Ask Questions

Even if there’s a perfect informational content on your web page, clients may have some questions. Maybe, the data was given too briefly and the client wants to know something more detailed.

Maybe he/she wants to ask the author of the article some questions about the given facts or the certain event. Regardless of specific reasons, you must be sure that a user has a real opportunity to continue communication and get to know something additionally.

Think About Stylization

A content style is as important as its logical segmentation. You can use visual stylistics in order to emphasize important data.

Use Subtitles – Think About Semantics!

More than a half of Internet users scan the content of web page searching for something necessary at that moment. Well-chosen subtitle with an original style is a perfect solution for those who have a little time to find necessary content.

Their usage helps the user to know quickly the content of the page and find something interesting. Make sure that all subtitles that you use are matched to the content where they are.

Emphasize Important Information

If it’s necessary to emphasize some part of the text you can, for example, make it semi-bold or italic, or place it in the sidebar.
Do all necessary to make useful information easy to be found, for example, you can use some visual cues. All this helps to make content that will be quickly and conveniently to learn about.

Only Readable Font and Background

Original font helps you to show up among a hundred similar sites. But if the clients can’t read the content, the publishing of such information doesn’t have any sense.

A big block type, like Helvetica, is very easy to be read and won’t make the client strain his/her eyes in order to understand the content of the page.
Original fonts can be used on advertising banners or graphic arts, where should be a little content information.

Style of Writing

Obviously, the content is very important! Maybe someone will be surprised but in case of web page structure, the less text there is, the better.

Down with the All Unnecessary

Very ornate and mawkish style of writing should be used in romantic letters but not for the content of web pages. Stay intelligible, clear, and write everything whenever necessary.

For example, you don’t need to make a long sentence with information that can be fit in a couple of words.

«10%» Rule

Many content authors faced such concept as Stephen King’s 10% rule. It says «second dictionary= first dictionary – 10%». When you have ready texts for the site, you need to check the number of words in it.

Then throw away 10% of their total content. This can make the content more compact and clear.

Constant Monitoring of Content Relevancy

Remember that you have to watch out the content of your pages stays actual and original. If you changed your principles, which were the basis for the content, during some time of portal running – you need to make some changes and be sure that everything is edited qualitatively.


You must find some time to proofread the text blocks if they contain grammar mistakes. It will be better if you read aloud, in this case, you will easier feel the structure of the rhythm.

A lot of misprints and mistakes will irritate the clients.

Little Details Correspond to Big Changes

It is a common situation when a client studies a structure of the page web design and ignores little details during creation and filling the site, especially if there’s a lack of time before the project release. As far as you need to think about many important things, you can easily miss some little details of the design.

So, the decision about a simple location of a search button can cost client hundreds of millions of his/her income. If you don’t know how to start, try to use a lot of analytic tools, available on the Internet in order to have the most effective and practical design solutions that can transfer your efforts into income.

Home Page – Isn’t the Most Important Thing on the Site

Clients of your site really seldom start exploring your site from the home page. The main thing here is various search engines that give links to the pages of your web resource according to the search criteria.

According to the results of Gerry McGovern’s research, the amount of viewed pages, which were clicked through the main page is minimal. He says that in 2003 such dependency was 39%, at the beginning of 2014 – only 2%.

It is a bright example of the fact that there are search engines and services that play a key role in the traffic but not the main page of the portal only.

It means that we should pay more attention to the pages where a client comes from. It will increase conversion and keep a user on the resource pages as long as it is needed.

Important Content Should Be in the Left Part of the Page Only!

Most of your everyday users are clients who grew up in the cultural environment where people read and write from left to right. It means that their attention is on the left side of the web page at first. If we transfer this in the percentage: people spend about 69% of the whole time on the Internet sites looking at the content, that is located on the left of the site.

In this case, we can sum up with 2 conclusions. The first one: the language of the web page has a big influence on other patterns. When you create a site, you need to take into account the cultural characteristics of most users (potential clients).

The second one: on the sites with classical writing from left to write, the whole important information should have its beginning in the left part of the screen.

Vertical Scrolling Isn’t so Bad

Some people think that important information on a site should fit in the convenient viewport. In this case, a client doesn’t need to use a virtual scrolling to see the elements below.

That’s why there is a question: are long pages too bad?

No! As we can see in the research of British media resource ClickTale, the page length doesn’t influence content view from a users’ side. But another Joe Leach’s research says that a little content under the scroll induces the user to look for answers to his/her questions below.

Therefore, you don’t need to worry that the main content should be located on the top of the site. You can use the famous visual hierarchy principle and the skill to choose the most important priorities in order to show the importance of different elements on your site’s pages.

Website Speed

An Internet user is so impatient today. And it’s true: who will wait too long when he/she has certain intentions? Is there a correlation between the facts that a client doesn’t like to wait and that the website performance influences directly the client of the webpage?

So, Microsoft corporation’s researches show that increasing delay in the site’s response for 2 seconds reduces a client’s satisfaction for 4%, income from a client for 4.3%, and total click amount for 4.2%, and here we don’t take into account other factors.As a result, that was the truth: more than a half of Internet users are impatient in some way.

What can we do to improve performance? For example, we can use modern CSS sprites and other tools for website speed test in order to find the weakest spots and improve a program code.

Content Should Be Simple for Reading

According to the researches, clients pay their attention only to 28% of the whole content on a site, and this percentage can become lower if there’s more text content on a site.

To increase a chance that your users read the available information, you need to use proven methods to make the text easier for reading: to highlight key phrases, use titles, make catching paragraphs and lists.

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