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After a test have been written or automated, it should be checked for defects in order to immediately fix them if any, and then run this test on any software build. Static testing of test cases can be carried out using the same technology that is used to verify the implementation of technical requirements, i.e. survey, end-to-end monitoring or peer reviews. These methods can be used in various combinations, if the complexity of the tests is such that thorough static testing is simply necessary. For instance, expert assessments can be used in techniques, and a formal survey – in automated scenarios that implement testing techniques.

When verifying test cases, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of the following points:

– To what extent does the test or test suite meets the functionality stated in the specifications?
– Does the test suite cover all technical requirements?
– Are the tests organized well so that only minimum number of test configurations can be used?
– Are tests included in the configuration management system?
– Are there any redundant tests? Can this redundancy be eliminated?
– Is the testing methodology in detailed enough to be subjected to automation?
– Is each test step provided with clearly defined expected results (criterion of a successful / unsuccessful test outcome)?
– Do automated tests correctly reproduce manual test steps?

If you performed a static testing of a test plan, then it will be much easier for you to revise the test cases, since the issues relating to the coverage of technical requirements, provided by tests, should be resolved during the review of the test plan. Issues concerning the redundancy of tests and the effective use of configuration testing tools should also be addressed during the revision process when the test plan is being verified, at least at the level of preliminary decisions. Thorough reviews of test plans and test cases, as well as static testing of the software, help to early find errors in tests and reduce the time spent debugging test cases. Be informed that outsourcing testing services have helped millions of people around the world to cut costs, more efficiently use a chosen technology or redirect energy and release successful projects.

As part of this review, each new test should be run on a certain software product to make sure that the test methodology allows you to get all the expected results. Since this test is likely to be run on code that contains multiple defects, care must be taken when analyzing the failed outcomes of a test run in the plan, which is the source of the problem – the program code or the test itself.

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