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In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, ensuring the reliability and functionality of websites is paramount. Web testing, a crucial phase in the development process, is instrumental in identifying and rectifying issues before they reach users. As websites become more complex and diverse, so do the test scenarios required to guarantee their performance.

In this article, we delve into a comprehensive list of the most popular test scenarios for web testing. Whether you’re a seasoned tester or just starting in the field, this compilation will serve as a valuable resource to enhance your web testing efforts.


  • Ability to add a header to a site.
  • If the header is aligned on a page.
  • If icons and images are displayed correctly in the header.
  • Whether the text of the links is readable and if a link is clicked, does the page perform the correct redirect?
  • Is the site logo added to the header displayed with the correct proportions?
  • When clicking on the logo from all secondary pages, does the user get redirected to the home page of the site?
  • Does the link change the color when hovering the mouse over it?
  • Is the header fixed on all pages and doesn’t it break when scrolling the page up/down?


  • Is the footer aligned to the end of the page?
  • If it has extra spaces and visual block deformations.
  • If the footer is aligned the same on all pages and it doesn’t break when changing viewport settings.
  • Does clicking on the logo on all secondary pages redirect correctly to the home page?
  • Are social media icons displayed correctly?
  • Are there any spelling errors?
  • Do all blocks and elements have the same indentation and alignment as other objects?

Photo/document downloads

  • Is there any upload button or download link on the page?
  • Is the upload button or download link clickable?
  • Is the text or graphic display of the button or link correct?
  • Does the button contain the correct icon, according to the original design?
  • When clicking on a button to download files, does it open a modal window for later download?
  • Check if a user can download multiple files or documents at the same time.
  • Is the button for downloading files mandatory or not?
  • After uploading files, is the correct file format displayed in the system or not?
  • Is it possible to upload files larger than the system parameters?
  • If a user tries to upload a file with an incorrect format or size, is an appropriate error warning displayed?

Login/password process

  • Whether the user’s credentials remain in the input field after clicking on the Remember button when re-authorizing the site.
  • Can the users authorize the site with the correct data?
  • After authorization, is the user redirected to the page he/she should go to according to technical requirements or not?
  • Does the user have access to all input fields when using the TAB key consecutively?
  • Is the user’s password displayed in encrypted format?
  • Is there a visibility eye icon in the password field so that the user can check if the data entry is correct?
  • If line spacing is used, is it implemented correctly (for Macs)?

Error messages

  • Does the message contain grammatical errors?
  • Is the error message displayed only when the user takes an action against the logic of the system?
  • Can the user close the message after it has been displayed?

Web payment process

  • Does the site have a correct form for payment of goods/services?
  • Is it verified that the site has different options for payment?
  • Is it possible to perform a test payment?
  • When making a payment, does the order status change correctly?
  • After making a payment, does the user receive an electronic receipt with the correct data of the transaction?


In the fast-paced world of web development, staying ahead of the curve is vital. With the ever-increasing complexity of web applications, web testing has become an indispensable part of the development process. The list of popular test scenarios we’ve explored in this article provides a solid foundation for testers and developers to ensure that websites are not just functional but also user-friendly, secure, and capable of handling the challenges of modern web usage. As web technologies continue to evolve, so will the need for innovative test scenarios, making it essential for professionals in the field to stay informed, adapt, and continue delivering top-notch web experiences to users around the globe.

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