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As we know, a tester’s job is to find and record as many bugs as possible in various software products. About 90% of any QA process is aimed to verify the developed product. But sometimes, developers don’t consider properly some bugs, and all the tester’s work is been a complete waste.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the most effective ways to resolve contradictions that allow defects to disappear.

First of All, Don’t Spray on Trifles

It may sound strange but if you insist on fixing literally any bug, you will lose the credibility and attention of the rest of the team. Developers will always, at their discretion, fix only some bugs – some will go to the “fix later” section, and others will never be fixed.

Instead of arguing over all the defects, try to isolate the most critical ones and discuss fixing them with the developers.

One might wonder which bugs are considered important. To answer this question, you need to analyze several factors: first, how the bug affects the user. If we are talking about the registration button, which banally moved down a couple of pixels, then agree, it does not greatly affect the user’s interaction with the site. However, a defect in which the client cannot fill out and validate the form will affect him much more acutely.

Second, imagine a situation where a user sees a bug. If steps to reproduce involve clicking the back button 40 times and then changing the zoom of the web page – the user is unlikely to face this defect. However, a defect when a user cannot fill in the name field in the registration block will be noticed right away.

A bug which fixation you should fight for is a mistake that a user may encounter and may significantly affect them.

Show the Bug in Action

If you have found a bug that you see as your number one goal, it is best to demonstrate it live. You can do this in different ways: take a video of the screen and send the file to the developer, invite the developer to your PC and demonstrate the bug, or go to the developer’s workplace and ask him to walk through the steps of reproducing the bug.

Tell About Your User Experience

This technique is a perfect option for the paragraph described above. When you show or describe the bug in written form, emphasize the point that real customers would think as they go through these steps.

A simple example. Some user on our site wants to filter products by price. Using the price adjustment filter, he expects the system to show items from the selected priced category. The fact that the site doesn’t filter by price annoys him and makes him leave the site.

Get Feedback From Users Who Have Already Faced Similar Problems

If your software testing company has a file of user complaints about former products, try to find the ones similar to the bugs you’ve detected. Find the most outraged complaints from users and tell your team about them. Such stories will help your team understand how important this feature is for end users.

Highlight the Potential Impact of the Bug on the Entire Team

We can be motivated by what directly affects us. If your lengthy stories about user issues couldn’t evoke a response from developers, the following notice may help:

  • Unfixed bugs can affect other parts of the system, and then fixing them becomes a really complicated task.
  • If a user crashes the system in the middle of the night because of an unresolved bug, someone from the team will have to fix the problem promptly (even if it’s 2 am).
  • If the head of your company will lead a presentation of the developed product, he is unlikely to be happy when he sees a bug.

Instead of a conclusion, it should be said that the creation of any web product is a maneuver between speed and quality. The first is the responsibility of the developers, and the second falls entirely on the shoulders of the QA lab. If necessary, try to implement these tips, with the help of which you will be able to localize and fix the most critical defects.

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