Documenting and Analyzing Software Bugs As an Integral Part of App Testing Service

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Bug report is a technical document that contains a complete description of a software bug including information about the bug itself (short description, severity, priority) and the conditions under which it was introduced in the program.

Once a bug is found, it needs to be reported, because otherwise there is a high likelihood of forgetting it very soon.

Do not write the data on a sheet of paper (you may lose it), but record it in a bugtracking system. Many testers neglect this simple but important rule and, as a result, a lot of bugs remain unfixed. So how will you write an effective bug report? Are you at your wit’s end? This problem is easy solvable with app testing service providers, who have excellent bug report-writing and analytical skills.

A bug report format, namely its fields may differ depending on the bug tracking / defect system you are using. However, the following fields are usually present in all the templates:

  • unique identifier
  • the version number
  • short description
  • detailed description
  • steps to reproduce
  • reproducibility (always, sometimes)
  • criticality
  • priority
  • symptom

Please, be informed that installation testing services are used to make sure that your application has been installed with all required features and is functioning as intended. If you setup any software incorrectly it may involve negative consequences such as significant performance degradation or even abnormal system end.

If a bug report is not sufficiently clear or comprehensible, the programmer will be unable to fix the reported bugs. Therefore, one should be very careful while documenting bugs: a report must be drawn up rapidly, but its tone and content should help to solve the problem identified.

The purpose of writing a bug report is to fix the bug(s) mentioned in this report.

If you want the detected error to be quickly and safely fixed, first of all, you should do the following:

  • Explain how to reproduce the bug or the problem situation. Programmers basically ignore bug reports, which they cannot see with their own eyes.
  • Carefully analyze the error to describe it very briefly. Too lengthy description of the problem makes it difficult to understand its essence. In addition, receiving a long report, the programmer will think that this entails something difficult, and is most likely to postpone its consideration.

It is desirable to remember of stress testing service for each app user so as to determine stability of their programs. Using it, you will be able to understand how your software behaves under unfavorable conditions to have an idea of its robustness, reliability and availability.  


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