Configuration testing is performed by software testing companies in order to assure the optimal work of an application on different devices considering their size, screen resolution, version, hardware, and so on.
The Most Important Scenarios of Configuration Testing:
- To make certain that the app’s interface corresponds to the device’s screen size and the text does not go beyond the display.
- To check if the text is readable on any device.
- To make sure that the alarm clock/call function is available simultaneously with the running app, an app can be collapsed or switched to the standby mode in case of an income call, and after a call is finished an app is expanded.
This type of software testing services is designed to check the application work ability with different system configurations. It is expedient to consider the client level of configuration testing. There is usually only one server for mobile applications and a client is installed on a great number of miscellaneous devices. But it is worth to take account of the specificity of an app – e.g. if it is a game with several servers marked than the server level also becomes foreground.
The Following can be Marked at the Client Level:
- Device Type: smartphone, tablet and so on.
- Device Configuration: amount of RAM, processor type, screen resolution, battery capacity etc.
- OS Type and Version (iOS 6, 7; Android 4.2.2 etc.).
- Network Type: Wi-Fi, GSM.
Before Configuration Testing it is Advisable to:
- Create coverage matrix (coverage matrix is a table where all possible configurations are registered).
- Perform prioritization of configurations (in practice probably not all the desirable configurations will be able for a check).
- Step by step, according to the priorities set, every configuration is tested.
There is a fact that becomes obvious already at the first stage: the more requirements to the app’s operation at different configurations of workstations – the more tests should be performed. In accordance to this it is recommended to appeal to the automation testing company and to automate this process as far as possible because right while the configuration testing the automation helps to reduce time and human resources. Certainly automation testing is not the panacea but in this case it seems to be rather efficient helper.
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