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Any software testing activities including outsourced software testing are normally divided into two types: manual and automated. But nowadays there is a tendency to make every testing automated and to fully substitute activities that are performed manually. It seems that manual testers might need to change their qualification very soon because of lack of work.

All the above-mentioned makes sense for any tester but for professional test engineers, who are sure to always have a work. There are no tools yet that can fully substitute skilled manual activity in this field. With that, no one would doubt that there is a range of tasks that are better to be tested automatically.

There are tools that perform tasks better in comparison with manual testing. Some of them are free and are available to the public.

An automated testing is used in case when:

  • tests are monotonous and numerous;
  • testing presuppose that many users should be involved in, for example, load testing, security testing, stress testing, etc.;
  • tests often repeat during the project (unit and regression testing);

With that automated software testing as a service involves manual verification for many project aspects. First of all, it concerns the usability. The perfect combination of manual and automated testing gives better results.

Only professional testers along with those from outsource QA companies can provide the most suitable combination of automated and manual testing.

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