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Do you know what pricelessness of software testing is?

At a software testing company the key role of QA Manager consists in delivering a perfect service level. This is the reason why a QA Manager has always been appointed by TestMatick to every project whatever it is – big or small. It is a bit expensive to employ Quality Assurance Managers but many companies are hard to structure otherwise. (In fact, a majority of software testing companies do not hire QA Managers for every project and prefer the cheaper route).
Let us learn the specifications as for the QA Manager’s role.

Value Delivery – an Obligation of Software Testing Service

Besides running and writing tests, software testing is to deliver business value. It is impossible to get value without defining, planning, building and, of course, delivering it. Only then it can be truly qualified as value. Having a software engineering and business perspective the QA Manager is the very person that can plan and deliver the right value.

For instance, at TestMatick, Test Engineers are involved in building value while QA Managers are responsible for definition, planning and delivery of this value to you. It is recommended for each qa outsourcing company to do the same thing.

Software Testing Has No Plan for Value Delivery

A software testing company saves on its expenses if hiring testers to manage tests. But if there is no clear idea of the full value chain you are likely to get just a simple verification of your software according to conclusions of the testers.

If there is no clear definition of value you cannot but accept everything you get. If the value is not built as defined or planned then your efforts are being wasteful.
If value is not planned then you will hardly receive the value.

If the value is defined, planned and built without delivering, then your money has been wasted.

The Priceless Quality Assured Services a QA Manager Provides

TestMatick QA Manager Can Be Useful for the Following:
· Outcome reports per day
· Plans per day
· Sprint/weekly plans
· Sprint after-action reviews
· Strategic plan per month
· Custom satisfaction inquiry per month
· Quality assurance strategy per quarter
· Value proposition measurement per quarter
· App testing services

Do You Want Testing Value to Be Compared?

Your outsourced QA team is delivering business value or test results, is not it? Are you eager to know the meaning of testing value for companies similar to yours? Your case can be discussed and you will get answers to all your questions if send your request to us, a provider of QA outsourcing service.

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