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For QA analysts, such activity as defects tracking is almost an everyday routine. On detecting the first defect in the software product being tested it is necessary to create a defect in the purpose of tracking it.

Different software testing companies use various tools for entering defects. Using defect tracking tools a web testing company can discover defects much easier than without them.

QA services are carried out to save on time and effort while testing. They are needed to ensure error-free testing process. QA analysts use a lot of different tools for defect tracking, but whatever tool is used by you for defect creation, yet, the provided information for reproduction of this defect will be only slightly different across the board.

Below is the incomplete list but almost all the points are required:

  • Defect title.
  • Clear issue description.
  • Identified steps to reproduce the issue.
  • Version of the build where the defect was found.
  • Attachments/ Videos/ Images.
  • Defect status.
  • Applicable URL.
  • The environment.
  • Lead (developer) to whom the defect is assigned.

A newly created defect has a status “Open”, means that  it has not been reviewed by developers. After fixing the defect, the developers generally change the status to a “Dev Complete”. On deploying the fix and making it prepared for testing, the developers change the status to a “Ready for QA”. From now on, the defect passed verification, or in other words, become “Re-Opened”.

So, this is a common defect workflow in an app. Nevertheless, due to a possibility to customize with a majority of tracking tools, the precise wording in use can vary for different companies. Independent testing allows tracking more defects that the testing performed by the testers working for a programming team. Independent testers find more approaches to testing process and review that are helpful to expose the hidden problems and defects.


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