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The given approach assumes that the software testing company transfers test processes to the dedicated testing team. This kind of cooperation expects that the dedicated testing team will attempt to participate actively in the production process, work out requirements, etc.

If the customer desires to receive good results, he or she should be ready to let the dedicated testers take part in the production process from its early stages. It’s important to keep in mind that the earlier the testing outsourcing company will join the production cycle, the more qualitative program product will be.

Complete Outsource Testing













The greatest benefits from this type of outsourcing will get two types of software testing companies. To the first type, one may refer those companies where is no QA and Testing departments, but they want to have one. In this case, the cooperation with the dedicated testing team will help to adopt experience in the given field and prepare the ground for the creation of the QA and Testing departments. To the second type, we refer early-stage companies that have a fast product development. Even if the specialists of such companies have all the necessary knowledge and experience, they always suffer from the lack of time and it is the reason why do they turn to outsourcing.

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