The skill and professionalism of the staff play an important role in the creation of a quality IT product. Most of the developers are trying to carry out the remarkable work, but sometimes there are cases where some parts of the project are subject to a vast number of alterations. Questions asked to the developers can help uncover such problems. Some of these issues are quite delicate, so it is important to create the right environment for people to answer them honestly. You may need an individual or even a written survey to ensure anonymity. And then software testing services company “gets in the game” namely starts to runs regression tests on the changes to confirm that they have not harmed the old functionality.
1. At what project stage the staff was changed by other employees? Whether the developer accepted a job from another developer?
Some vital information is contained in the mind of the developer, as not all project data are documented. If the developer agrees to perform someone else’s tasks (as a result of staff changes, or due to unexpected health problems), the developer assigned to replace a regular employee, may not to know the original purpose of determining the approach and decisions taken. It is necessary to find out whether a new developer has been provided with sufficient information as well as received instructions on the work already done.
2. Are there any new developers in the project?
Even if a highly respected developer takes on the project work, it will take time for him to familiarize himself with the application-specific information. If the developer becomes involved in the project when it enters its practical phase, he has very little time to speed up his work to achieve a desired level of performance. There is a risk that the developer will make any incorrect assumptions about the application. Exploratory testing services combine 3 crucial activities: discovering, learning about software and testing it.
On the other hand, some developers are unusually diligent and persistent when trying to understand all aspects of the project. Such employees very carefully verify the functionality of the code. This issue may not always indicate a problem area.
Cross browser testing services relate to testing website in all possible browsers and their combinations. You can test any browser combination for any website.
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