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This type of testing is performed only during the maintenance phase, when a program is moved from one equipment hardware or software platform to another. If a program needs to run on different types of computers, you need to check its compatibility with each of them. Below is a brief description of such testing strategy but if you want to know everything about it you are welcome to use software qa consulting services.

Basic Functions. You should execute a set of regression test cases. If you do not have the set, then it is necessary to develop a set of tests that should be performed on each of the main functions of the program. At the same time, try to test the behavior of a program at least partially at the boundaries and also perform its testing on the main data. If some of the functions is / are poorly compatible with the new platform, then it / they are most likely not to work at all, so there is no reason to worry that the problems encountered will remain unnoticed. Usually, when you transfer a program to another platform, the basic functional tests are executed quite successfully. Accordingly, you should not spend too much time on them.

Is quality your priority? Do you like when any job is done right and within deadlines? Testing outsourcing companies offer cost effective qa services so that you can build high quality competitive software products in the marketplace. This goal can be achieved by accessing many platforms / devices / resources, hiring highly experienced testers and providing more control over the development process.

Keyboard. If a computer has a specific keyboard, it may be slightly different than the standard keypads and you can feel the difference while typing on it. Therefore, it is required to press each key, and also in different situations. Be sure to pay particular attention to the control keys — <Shift>, <Alt>, etc.

Terminal. Check how the program works with the new terminal. How are the graphics displayed? If the program runs in text mode, then all of the characters are displayed correctly, there are no problems with the color, underlining or highlighting, aren’t they?

The Version Number And System Identification. If the version number of a program has been changed, make sure that the previous number has been replaced with the new one everywhere. If at the startup of the program it identifies hardware or an operating system, make sure that it does it right.

To ensure correct work of any IT program it is recommended to use software qa services, better those that are provided by independent testing specialists.

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