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Due to the growing interest in the software test automation services, its tools and the introduction process on projects caused an increasing demand for training and consultation in this field. Test automation has its undeniable advantages when introducing it into a balanced process of software development. The implementation of test automation requires the following of two basic steps.

The Steps are the Following:

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  • Make sure that quality control on a project is well coordinated and documented.
  • Involve  dedicated tester team, who will perform professional automation services in the shortest possible time. Without the help of experienced professionals in the given field, the process is likely to result in substantial terms, be full of trial-and-error methods and can affect the budget. Consequently, the customer can lose interest in test automation. [/checklist]

NB! It’s necessary to remember that the main task of test automation is to advance project quality control while its target is to improve the effectiveness of a project testing.

Modern methodologies of automated software testing as a service allow to achieve a successful cooperation with the attracted QA consultants and to develop test automation process in a company. Before implementing test automation process on projects, we encourage our clients to start with a framework development based on the KeyWordDriven approach. Due to this approach experts are able to refine the framework and develop automated test coverage.

Nowadays KeyWordDriven frameworks are the most advanced solution in terms of price, efficiency, and efforts. The given framework possess a number of advantages that are listed below.

Framework Advantages:

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  • Code repeatability: one created script is enough to manage the implementation process.
  • The use of Data Driven method.
  • The use of Excel spreadsheets or any other format for displaying all the operations.
  • UI objects are stored in external files.
  • Test cases and test suites are described in external files (like, Excel).
  • The framework is flexible and allows adding, deleting, editing of test cases and test suites.
  • Framework extension is easy because new operations can be added or edited in the system and in this case, all you need is to write a new function. [/checklist]

 There are 3 stages to Design the Implementation Process: 

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  • Stage #1. The first stage consists of tasks analysis set by a customer and used technologies for app development. Analysis results show what automation tool (free or paid) is better to use for practical tasks. Planned tasks together with project specification are the base for development of implementation plan and necessary procedural documentation.
  • Stage #2.  The second stage covers training course in Software Test Automation. The course provides listeners with information about all the necessary theoretical questions (on the process), together with automation methods and organization.
  • Stage #3. The third and the final stage is actually applying obtained knowledge in practice. On this stage, trained specialists together with consultants on the basis of working draft plan the degree of app coverage by test automation, develop frameworks, conduct automation of planned feature set, develop the mechanisms of scripts startup and result capturing. [/checklist]

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