Effective Tips for QA Engineers Who Conduct Continuous Testing

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First of all, let’s see what continuous testing is.

So, continuous testing is a special process of implementing automated checks within the software development pipeline to get instant feedback on potential business risks. It covers many types of testing, from simple unit tests to complex web accessibility tests. It also consists of such factors as validation and compliance testing.

Why Is It So Important to Perform Continuous Testing?

If we take a process of mobile apps development, for example, we’ll see the diversity of their forms, from the group of progressive web products to native programs. Such a variety is great but it significantly makes the testing process more complex. Only continuous testing allows performing most complete software testing since it can adapt to the possible changes.

Now let’s take a closer look at the reasons why you cannot do without continuous testing within your software testing company.

Choose Testing Tools and Methodology Suitable for Your Team

When your company develops and maintains the software, your programmers, testers, and analysts should (and they will) follow their unique work objectives. Each member of your team has personal experience and technical skills.

If you’re a manager, your task is to help your team by supplying each staff member with the appropriate toolset. For example, programmers usually prefer technologies like cypress.io, and QA engineers drift toward codeless tools for quick and effective test performance.

Tools that are perfect for your team will help you not only improve automation processes but also conduct continuous testing correctly. The increased efficiency of automation processes based on useful software development and testing tools contributes to the creation of the most productive environment and a successful company.

Don’t Forget About Automation

You should always remember that continuous testing is built on automation of test cases that have a higher value. Be particular.

To understand which test groups to automate, you need to make sure of the following points:

  • Marked tests are easy to automate;
  • Marked tests won’t be difficult to maintain technically.

Even if you can automate all your tests, don’t do it. All that you automate, you’ll have to maintain later regardless of any future software changes.

Of course, automation is a necessary thing. With its help, you can quickly develop software and create efficient things in the technological world. But don’t do unnecessary work where there is no need for it. Think strategically when you choose tests for automation.

Run Tests in Parallel

Parallel testing isn’t always perceived as something serious but you definitely shouldn’t pay scant attention to this process. It achieves maximum coverage, increases the speed of checks, and significantly improves feedback between development departments.

That is, concurrent testing that is carefully chosen for automation is the path to the success of overall continuous testing processes.

Integrate Everything You Can

We all live in the world of easily accessible sources of various information. You just need to realize it and try to integrate tools that make your development and testing processes as smooth as possible (of course, considering all the relevant security requirements of your company).

The project team has to define which toolset will be the most effective, and which it is better to stop using. Today, the world of IT technologies provides a lot of options for continuous integration and processes of software deployment. The choice is yours!

Automation Pipeline Should Be Reliable

The development of a stable automation pipeline will help you to solve issues in a moment, and will significantly give your product team confidence that only the added code is working correctly.

It is worth remembering that any test coverage has 2 basic aspects: coverage of test cases and all available platforms. If something from these becomes outdated, the whole system breaks down. Simultaneous usage of these components will make continuous testing possible.


So, continuous testing performance is feasible. Many factors facilitate its effective implementation. We’re talking about such factors as teat coverage, focus on valuable test scenarios, monitoring of reports, etc.

Following these practices, any team will be able to achieve the goals of general continuous testing: instant feedback, high stability of checks, etc. After a while, you will be confident that your project team will be able to deliver both daily and weekly releases.

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