QA Consulting


Freelance Work: Pros and Cons of Remote Employment for QA

About 10-12 years ago, it took a lot of effort for a QA freelancer to get a job and a loyal client base. Given the current realities of popularizing work online, it is much easier to do this. That’s why let’s talk about the pros and cons of remote work.


Impact Analysis and Its Role in Software Testing

A properly performed impact analysis can significantly reduce the time required for testing. After all, if you know where exactly the changes were made in the web product, you do not have to spend a lot of time re-checking the entire product.


Should We Focus on Finding a Critical Bug

There is a strong opinion that if a bug is difficult to reproduce, we shouldn’t spend a lot of time on it. It would be better to move on and check something else. However, some QA specialists spend lots of time looking for the causes of such a bug. Hence, they simply leave the testing process paused. But is there a middle ground for all this?


How to Manage an Effective Test Planning

Nobody ever wants to work with long and monotonous test plans. More and more QA engineers come to the so-called test planning methods which contain all the thoughts and ideas that the project team can and will certainly have while developing and testing software.


Requirements Testing: Criteria for Technical Documentation

When creating new software functionality, the analytical team creates certain technical requirements, and the QA department tests the product based on these instructions. And, of course, this happens even before the product reaches the end user. In this article, we will talk about the important points that you should pay attention to when testing software requirements.


Good Examples of Qualitative Communication between QA Specialists

A tester’s point of view plays a crucial role during the entire process of software development and software testing since it helps to not forget what users and developers think about all this. Further in this article, we’ll talk about the most illustrative examples of the way software quality depends on the tester’s communication skills.


What We Can Test in the Elements Tab

This material contains comprehensive information on what exactly we can test in the Elements tab in a browser whose main objective is displaying the page program code in the tree of DOM elements.


Applying PC Regional Settings during Localization Testing

Localization testing is a good and quite useful process that should be given maximum time. After all, the more users the software has, the more languages ​​need to be included in its structure and you need to be sure of their correct and high-quality design (hence, this affects the success of the entire product)!


Software Testing Vices: Funny Examples of Root Causes

This article describes the most popular vices of testing that can somehow affect an entire career of a QA Specialist.


Best Software Testing Certifications in 2021

Certification of any activity is not only an attempt to diversify your portfolio but also a possibility to show your knowledge and skills to your potential employers. This article describes top software testing certifications in 2021 that can help you to find a job in QA.