Before you spend tons of time studying and developing a test suite for a new automation test framework, it is better to try it on different types of websites. Thus, you’ll ensure that this particular framework performs reliably and is user-friendly.
Further, we’ll present the most popular platforms that show test automation framework performance.
This repository contains a particular set of the most actual software test automation scenarios including the most complex situations: nested frames, shadow DOM, keypresses, or some complicated document models.
The Automation Practice
This website is a good example of an online marketplace maintained by the specialists at Selenium. Such platforms are better to use for multi-page testing, to check the operation of filters according to the specified parameters, shopping cart testing, and the procedure of ordering and paying for goods (services).
This is another well-organized website to test the most common DOM elements.
For example, users can try different tools to select the desired date, login, phone number, and other contact information. All this is done on the site of a standard online bookstore.
UI Test Automation Playground
This is a smaller website than the previous one but it contains a lot of scenarios for loading delays, various mouseover behavior, dynamic identifiers, and automation errors that can occur when working with hidden layers on the page.
It is a very popular demo platform that will be extremely useful for checking the registration process in the system and operations with the shopping cart. The basic peculiarity of this site is that it allows you to operate with 4 logins for various manipulations at once: a classic, locked, problematic user and a user with some problems with operations performance.
Specialists from SauceLabs maintain this platform.
Banking Site GlobalsQA
This is a small example of a modern bank web portal based on Angular. The site provides login scripts, transaction listings, and replenishment of the account.
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