An Interview for a QA Position: Details of the Selection or How to Receive Feedback

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A job interview is always special and it’s  even more interesting when you wish to occupy the position of a junior QA engineer and so you visit job interviews, conducted by HR managers, hoping to receive a good job offer.

The most interesting part of a job interview is not only the communication between a job applicant and an interviewer but the feedback received by a person when a job interview ends.

Further, we’ll talk about the specifics of a job interview for the position of a QA lab specialist in terms of receiving qualitative feedback.

The process of selecting applicants for a job interview and the way of giving them feedback

Each year more and more applicants apply for the position of a software tester.

Sometimes world-class companies receive from 50 to 100 responses a day. Of course, not everyone is asked to visit a job interview since it’s impossible to interview each of them.

Applicants may be rejected on the basis of a cover letter, the results of online testing, a resume, or due to a direct decision of company management.

Actually, up to 4 out of 20 applicants solve a test task in a qualitative and correct way. And here a company needs to give its feedback.

If there is an HR manager in a company, he/she is not able to give feedback to everyone. Since he/she is not good at software testing.

And he/she doesn’t visit job interviews but only organizes them.

Therefore, feedback is made by the tester who looked through a test assignment and gave an answer to whether this person is a good fit.

A job interview is not a free course that helps to acquire some skills. It’s not required to give an applicant complete feedback according to the results of a test assignment.

And sometimes companies don’t give feedback to not make test results appear on the Internet.

Since it will be hard to evaluate someone’s skills — he/she knows the basics of software testing or is good at searching the responses on the net.

Frequently, not everyone can perceive feedback properly. Some people start resenting, offending, and blaming an HR manager for everything. And this can’t be prevented beforehand.

Tips to get a good feedback

There are several tips to increase the amount of feedback received after a job interview:

  1. Simply ask for feedback — ask about the things you have missed and skills you need to acquire in the future. It’s better to do this right after a job interview since a visual contact gives more chances to receive more efficient communication;
  2. After receiving feedback, edit a test assignment — if you are able to rapidly correct errors from a test assignment, you will have no problems in receiving additional feedback according to the results of your job interview. Or even one more job interview.


Each product company should give detailed feedback at any stage of selection:

  • First, the one on a test assignment — what was good and what — bad, what skills should be developed;
  • Next, the one on a job interview — as the first impression, if a person is a good fit according to his/her communication skills and if he/she is rejected — you should thoroughly describe all negative points and the things that should be taken into account during the next job interviews.

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