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Test strategies, test methodologies or testing methods are systematic methods used to select and / or create tests that must be included in the test suite. These can be random inputs, a test aimed at testing my suspicions, a test aimed at testing your suspicions, a test targeted for compliance checks, a test targeted for distortion checks; the most recent tests that we performed, tests that differ from the tests that we performed before. We choose a strategy based on the rules by which we can determine whether the given test meets or does not meet a chosen test strategy. Actually, the strategy should be programmable.


Test strategy is effective if test methods included in it are likely to detect the errors in the product being analyzed. The effectiveness of the strategy depends on the relationship between the nature of the tests and the nature of the errors that need to be detected with these tests. As with military and business strategies, test strategy can be effective and ineffective. Moreover, since the product under verification is modified to correct its errors and increase its capabilities, the types of errors found in the product vary with time, and therefore the effectiveness of the strategy changes. While it is theoretically possible that the strategy with respect to specific programs is improved in time, in fact, the effectiveness of most strategies decreases with time. Outsource software testing to competent specialists who live abroad – this way of improving product quality is cost-effective.


The behavioral test strategy is based on technical requirements. For example: analysis of all the characteristics described in the specification, execution of all “dirty” tests that are included in the requirements document. Testing performed using the behavioral test strategy is called behavioral testing. Behavioral testing is also called black box testing. It is also called functional testing. In behavioral testing (theoretically, but not practically), it is not necessary to know inner workings of the program.


The structural test strategy is determined by the structure of the object under test (BASI87, BEIZ90, NTAF88, OSTR96), For example: execution of each operator at least once, execution of each branch at least once, testing the use of all data objects, execution of each command of the object routine obtained during compilation. Testing done using the structural test strategy is also called a transparent box testing or white box testing. The structural testing strategy requires access to the internal structure of the app which is the source code.

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