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Progressive Development of Test Artifacts

In the traditional literature on software development it has been affirmed that development team should use the sequential design process (waterfall model) to create software apps. It is a traditional approach to the development of IT products which assumes that the project consists of a series of sequential phases – from the requirements analysis to creation of design documents, followed by coding, testing and final release. However, in practice, it is not so simple, and is not always possible to adhere to a clear sequence of steps.

Waterfall model is the most common technique used in software testing. Providers of outsourced testing services resort to the method to test the whole product at the end of the development stage, when the work is completed.

As an alternative to the traditional approach, the experts recommend you to divide the program into small segments, and alternatively design, write and debug each of them together with the already finished part of the program. Thus, you will always have a coherent and workable system. If you add the functions to it in order of priority, you will always know that the most important work is done. Over time, the program will become a reliable and useful product with outstanding capabilities. You will be able to continuously expand requirements and improve the project, and in the course of development you will be figuring out what this project should be like. And note that the cost of these improvements is extremely low!

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Regardless of the model used for development of software product as a whole, its testing, and in particular, test plan development are best performed in evolutionary manner. Instead of developing a large test plan, you can start with one of its components, and gradually expand the document, systematically adding more new sections to it. On developing the first part of the plan, you may start to look for errors, relying on it. The following sections will deepen and expand the search area. It is best to add sections to the plan in order of priority, so that by the time the leaders announce that testing is completed and the product is published (and this may happen at any time), you will be sure that all the most important tests have already been executed.

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