Mobile Testing Companies Established the Importance of Mobile-Friendly Services

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Mobile testing companies established that more and more users give preference to a mobile-friendly services and websites. Mobile-friendly environment is crucially important for website owners and those companies that provide mobile app testing services.

According to Google Report:

mobile friendly services

[checklist type=”eg. checked, dotted, arrowed” margin_bottom=”no”]

  • 48% of users get disappointed if the website or service is not mobile-friendly.
  • 60% of users quit a website or a service if it’s not mobile-friendly.
  • 65% prefer to purchase from a mobile-friendly website.
  • 70% of users will probably return to a mobile-friendly website. [/checklist]

Our specialists, who provide mobile testing services singled out 4 useful and handy tools due to which one can validate a website or service on being mobile-friendly.

The Tools are Following: 

#1 Google’s Mobile Friendly Testing Tool

The given tool validates the page on being mobile-friendly, provides recommendations on improvement. Google’s Mobile Friendly Testing Tool also reports about Googlebot displays the page.

#2 W3C Mobile OK Checker

W3C Mobile OK Checker executes different testing types to check the level of mobile-friendliness.

#3 MobiReady

The main benefit of this free tool is that it validates the performance on mobile devices. It provides users with technical recommendations and results.


MobileTest tool is an online mobile site emulator. It provides an option to select device and run tests on it. Also gives options of Orientation (Portrait/Landscape) and Emulation (Responsive/Mobile).





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