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Generally, the automation of software testing implies the verification of testing scenarios in automatic mode. The main advantage of this approach is a significant reduction of labor and cost for the long-term projects and a minimization of human factor. Besides, software testing automation allows realizing a lot more unique testing scenarios, forming the necessary depth of system verification.
On the one hand, writing and supporting actual automatic tests for Web application requires additional work. On the other hand, the investments pay off with interest, when the automatics work for one or several manual testers in the regular regression tests and repeated iterative tests. The use of this kind of testing is economically feasible, if the tested project is multi-component, complicated or long-lasting.
Choosing the automated software testing, you should consider the time needed for the analysis of system, the choice of means of implementation of automated tests and their writing.

These stages are the most labor-intensive in automation. The process of testing is strictly controlled, and its results are regularly reviewed by the responsible specialists and checked by the special software tools. Significant updates of the tested software often require the support of automatic tests in their relevant state at a given point in time. With a set of such measures, the reliability of the test results increases, and the cost of its retesting minimize. Besides, the human factor also reduced to minimum.
We should highlight the introduction of automatic software performance testing services to the quality management system and version control system, which allows making a decision on the efficiency of functionality, covered by the automatic tests, even before the release of the new assembly.
Together with the web development, the design of interfaces for the mobile apps is being actively expanded today. Thus, a huge experience of experts in this area allowed the implementation of numerous decisions by introducing several tools for the automated testing of the mobile applications.

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