

What is the Difference between Mobile and Web App Testing

One of the most obvious differences is that mobile applications are designed to run on smartphones – devices that almost all people increasingly live on, and even there are more these gadgets than people in the world. The number of active mobile phone users tops one billion and is projected to grow!! Mobile apps may run on a greater variety

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What Errors Do Dent Confidence of Software Users In Digital Services

Inaccurate command and function names The SAVE command should not be used to delete a file or to sort its contents. If in English the word is given a certain meaning, the command named by this word must correspond to it. Multiple titles of one function The same function should not have several names in the program. The user should

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Glimpse of Well-Known Test Techniques

Techniques based on the software engineer’s experience and intuitions are as follows: Ad hoc testing Probably the most widely used technique. These tests are based on the experience, intelligence, intuition and knowledge of an engineer who considers the problem from the standpoint of previous analogies. This type of testing can be suitable for defining those tests that are not covered

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What Usability Testing Is and What It Aims to Achieve

Sometimes we all have to deal with strange, weird and non intuitive apps, which features and way of working are not well-defined. After such a negative experience with the program the user refuses to work with it anymore but begins to look for its more successful analogues. Really good and popular software apps should not only perform their functions correctly

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The Process of Activating a Generated Subgraph

Each test corresponds to a generated subgraph. If the generated subgraphs are correctly defined, then to activate one such generated subgraph it is sufficient to specify only its input values. The activation occurs for the most part in the same way as for control flows, except when you can decide that it is easier to start from the output and

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A Few Tips on How to Collect Information for Project Requirements

It is difficult to gather together the opinions of several dozen of users if there is no a well-structured organizational chart, such as a use case. Problems arise if you have to listen to several users and if you are dealing with the most vociferous and stubborn client. You can overlook the requirements that are important for a particular class

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What Is Cause-Effect Graphing and Which Tasks Does It Solve?

The cause-effect graphing helps to systematically select efficient tests. It gives a useful side effect, as it allows you to detect the incompleteness and ambiguity in the original specifications.   A functional diagram is a formal language into which a natural language specification is translated. A diagram can be associated with a digital logic circuit (combinatorial logical network), but to

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The Characteristics of Certain Software Requirements

Each requirement must be provided with a unique identifier so that it can be unambiguously referenced to it when planning test coverage or designing test cases, as well as in test reports. Software requirements must be presented from the point of view of the user of the system. System and acceptance tests should be designed based on definitions of the

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Third-Party Authentication

Third-party authentication is based on the fact that virtually everyone on the Internet has an account on at least one top social networking site, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedln. All these platforms provide authentication and identification your users by using their media accounts.   Third-party authentication is often called federated authentication or delegated authentication. These terms are mostly

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How exactly to Compose a Challenge Solution Dissertation Action-by-Action Directions

There are lots of diverse convincing writing issues that were composed before. Sometimes we have the inclination introduce two themes in a single section. When you currently have a list of your own possible powerful writing matters, you can now request the views of other folks Students needs to be crucial in choosing the issue that may best give sufficient

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