Acceptance Checklist
A checklist helps to guide the testers that identify and plan software acceptance testing. Checklist deals with acceptance management testing that is performed throughout DLC.
Acceptance Form
Specifies the acceptance criteria, e.g. [System] is created by [Name of Company] and should be approved by [Name of Customer]. [Name of Company] confirms that the System fulfills all the requirements of the contract.
Acceptance Test Plan
The Acceptance Test Plan verifies that the final product (i.e. the system that has been developed) meets the customer’s business requirements. This document outlines the steps required to prepare an Acceptance Test Plan. It also ensures that all components of the system are tested.
Contract Review Form
Contract Review Form is designed to assist in reviewing and negotiating proposed contractual provisions. It contains such information as Customer Name, Project Name, Date, Project Number, Contract Criteria, Documentation, Communications, Functional Specification, Quotation, Project Plan, ContractDocuments and Contractual Liabilities.
Enhancement Request Form
Enhancement Request Form is a document containing a call for an adjustment of a system; it is of great importance in the change management process. It contains such information as Customer Name, Project Name, Project Number, Quote Number, Enhancement Number, Contact, Customer Ref, Customer Tel, Customer Fax, Program Name or Description, Required By Date, Details of Enhancement(s), Enhancement Approval, Reviewed By, Approved By and Date.
Installation Completion Form
Installation Completion Form is a document which contains such information as Customer Name, Date, Project Name, Project Number, Item/Software, Details, Commencement date, Completion date, Comments, Handover Performed by and Signature.
System Acceptance Form
System Acceptance Form is a document that contains such information as Customer Name, Date, Project Name, Project Number, submitted for and on behalf of company.
User Acceptance Test Report
The User Acceptance Test Report is a document that identifies the status of Discrepancy Notices (DN) as UAT progresses. Note that even when a DN is ‘Closed’, it must be recorded here to ensure that the final status of any DN is available throughout the UAT period.