One of the main principles of testing is that it is always necessary to know the state of the system being explored....
Practices of Test-Revising and Test-Debugging
After a test have been written or automated, it should be checked for defects in order to immediately fix them if any,...
The Use of Prototypes
In addition to static analysis methods, one can use software prototypes to verify and validate requirements to good...
Defect Detection & Tracking
The goal of testing is to find defects. Nevertheless, the process is not limited to finding defects only. The...
Reasons to Involve Testing Team In Project During Requirements Gathering Phase
In order to accelerate the software production process, the development and all types of test activities should be...
Test Hardware and Software Configurations
Suppose that the software product being tested, in accordance with the specification, must be run in a variety of...
What Happens After Alpha Software Is Completed
After completion of the initial testing stage, when the checks were executed directly by QA specialists (but not only...
Knowledge Required to Conduct Documentation Testing
Distribute lists of usability problems and unsuccessful design decisions among the interested persons. These lists...
Software Testing Lab: What Differentiates Good Requirements from Bad Ones?
There are characteristics of good product requirements: Necessary Each software requirement should contain something...
QA Consulting Companies: Static vs. Dynamic Testing
Static testing is a test activity related to analyzing software applications. Static testing is conducted to confirm...
Third Party Software Testing Services: The Difference Between Verification and Validation
Both the developer and the tester pursue the common goal: a software product that works correctly and appeals to their...
QA Engineers in the Software Documentation Workflow
So, here’s the question: What do software companies develop? Software, duh! But, for better or worse, this is not the...
Assurance Testing Services: Technical and Operational Errors
Assurance testing services are meant to search for all types of errors that can be present in software apps / products...
Information From Quality Control Company: Adaptive Testing
Loading, saving, import and export basic and extended ASCII characters and symbols Create text files with all the...
Testing Software Services: The Benefits of Abbreviations in the Test Documentation
In most cases, test tables list types of input data. This information may be enough to start running tests on some...
Independent Software Testing Company: How to Ensure Effective Interaction with Managers
To interact effectively with project managers and senior project managers, we will try to understand how testing is...
Software QA Outsourcing: Printer Testing
Control codes and languages Although the print engine is of interest to IT specialists in terms of software project...
What Do Software Testing Service Providers Define As White Box, Black Box
In the traditional interpretation, so to speak, there are two main definitions of the testing methods: open,...
QA Testing Companies: The Differences Between Software Tester and Quality Engineer
The tester has responsibility to verify that the software does exactly what it should, and the way it is supposed to....