Are Programmers Always to Blame for Software Bugs?

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Quality assurance became an integral branch of information technology. No modern application is created without software testing.

Programmers, test engineers and other specialists in information technology claim that despite of all the efforts no application is entirely error free at present. The successful ones are carefully designed, thoroughly verified and well adjusted for the users’ needs, but professional testers can find imperfections in any program.

It is common practice to blame the programmers for all the defects in software. However, there are many facts contributing to bugs appearance besides developers’ mistakes.

Errors in Software May Appear Because:

  • the requirements are incomplete, ambiguous, incorrectly formulated by people incompetent in programming and modern technology;
  • the requirements are improperly interpreted and understood by the project manager;
  • miscommunication issues; they are very probable in multinational and multilingual teams.

Errors of those kinds may be made before the programmers begin to write the code. Experts in web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing are aware of these issues and do their best to detect the problems as early as possible.

Software bugs, found before implementation in the code, are corrected faster and with less efforts than those that are put into life. So, professional software producers usually start cooperation with a quality assurance team from the very beginning of a project, at the stage of application planning.

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