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Be aware of what you are testing. Determine which sector the program belongs to, what means and language are used for writing its components, which database you use, what protocols are involved in the process. Be sure to specify in which countries it will be used.

So, what should you remember:

  1. Independent testing is performed by experienced software testing specialists to ensure that the delivered software is in incompliance with functional and non-functional requirements.
  2. Find out who your client or user is. You yourself should become the final customer. Do not forget that the software can be used by the people being in no way connected with IT and their workstyle is quite different. Want to know more about testing? There are software testing companies that perform complicated technical tasks, provide various types of testing, software testing solutions using the latest and most efficient methods.
  3. You should map the devices the software can interact with, sort out the matching devices.
  4. Divide the program into parts. Study this program carefully starting from an exit button to a final function.
  5. Learn about types of testing. There are functional, regression, sanity, load and other types of testing.
  6. Experience BugTracker.
  7. Read BugTracker.
  8. Write down all the weak points that you find, no matter if they are not the very same Bugs.
  9. Reproduce the critical situations.
  10. Watch the logs if they are available. Be sure to collect all the logs that can be recorded by a testable program.
  11. Think broadly. Do always remember that your software does not live its own life in vacuum or a single new computer, or a gadget and, if possible, collect the information on your competitors.
  12. Consult your colleagues: testers, developers and managers. They are authors, the sources of user and professional experience.
  13. Study new testing opportunities.
  14. Do not be lazy to check the functionality after correcting the Bug.
  15. If you can generate load, do it. By load is meant, for example, the mass calls or connection, but also the situation with large amounts of data, multi-users, etc.
  16. Study programming languages and operating systems.
  17. Study and check the documentation. Documentation is a part of the software that needs to be tested as well.
  18. Communicate your experience.
  19. Plan. Of course, you will have test-plan with imaginary time.
  20. Do not trust anybody. Try to do something on your own.

QA consultants are ready to help the customers with finding adequate testing solutions in respect of different testing so as to make high quality of it. Deal with them and it will be easier for you to achieve the wanted results.

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