What Causes Demand for Services of Software Test Company During the Lifecycle Phases

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Software products are tested and modified literally during each phase of their development life cycle. At that, the further the development work proceeds, the more costly the services of Software Test Company become.

Quality assurance process is carried out during all stages of the software lifecycle, specifically while:

  • specifying quality characteristics for software assets;
  • ensuring quality control at various development phases (requirements document, technical project, detailed design);
  • using quality control in the manufacturing process;
  • verifying that the software operates efficiently after modifications made to it, namely when it is in the maintenance phase. Actually, in the maintenance phase, software spends the most of its life cycle.

Software QA services are necessary to improve quality of software products to make them marketable and appealing to its customers.

Verification allows you to understand if the product under development meets its requirements specification. This process overlaps testing related to the identification of differences between actual and expected results, as well as evaluation of the product’s characteristics to make sure that they comply with the original requirements.

Testing is a process of executing a program in order to detect errors.

  • During the project development, much attention is paid to identification issues, description and management of configuration of the individual components and the system as a whole.
  • During technical requirements development, changes made to the documentation are not too costly. But after the code is written, the situation changes dramatically: any change to the project documents entails costs of the code’s modifications which are often more significant than it might seem when assessing a number of changes introduced in the specification.

When a programmer finds his own mistake and corrects it single-handedly, it does not entail high costs. He does need neither to interact with other colleagues, nor to explain anything to anyone. He need not enter description of the errors in a sharable database, which is used to perform control over their correction, and, as a result, testers and the manager save themselves the trouble of carrying out this control. It does not take long to fix this error and, also, no one will be distracted from performing their professional duties when it comes to correction of such an error. By the way, quality assurance companies are successful in identifying and eliminating different errors.

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