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This article contains information about what the PHP programming language is, what its perspectives in the near future are, why testers need to learn it, and how much one can earn for such knowledge.

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Concept of PHP

PHP is a modern programming language created to develop web programs and to solve general issues of IT technologies. This is a common language with dynamic typing. In simple terms, data kind in PHP is defined not by using a variable but exclusively by assigning a specific value. PHP is a fully interpreted programming language. The software created on it is interpreted at the moment of seamless access based on special programs.

Implementation Areas of PHP

Since it’s believed that this language is used for general service, it can also be helpful for the development of web applications. PHP is a server language (it works on a server). Developers of PHP web programs receive information from the site users, examine it, communicate with databases, and return a processed data block to the site.

Most popular CMSs (Drupal, WordPress, Joomla) are developed on PHP. According to the latest analytical data, PHP is used as a basis for about a third of all websites in the world.

Hence, PHP is the most interpreted programming language with original dynamic typing. It is used primarily for website and other web programs development among many popular quality assurance companies. The most popular CMS and frameworks are developed in this language.

Is It Hard to Learn PHP?

There is no objective and affirmative answer to this question since the complexity of any training is an exclusively subjective thing. Nevertheless, PHP is known as a language with a low barrier of technical entry. And in this context, we’re talking about both peculiarities of the language and educational content availability. On the Internet, there are a lot of useful materials, paid and free online courses, and PHP exercises.

Note! All novices should not start with trivial rote learning but with the basics of modern programming.

How Much Will One Earn for PHP?

The income level of an average PHP developer, first of all, fluctuates depending on the region, the person’s current qualification, and the current employment form (whether it is remote work or not, office work or freelancing). It means that you need to analyze the quotation market to correctly define the income level in your region.

For example, according to the latest analytical calculations of the NewHR company, in the middle of last year, the average income of a PHP programmer of middle rank in the countries of the former CIS was close to 2150-2700 US dollars. Senior PHP programmers receive about $ 2,600 – $ 3,400.

So, Should a Tester Learn PHP?

The PHP programming language in the near future will be a much preferred and popular web development tool. Today, a lot of web platforms and related systems are created and supported based on PHP.

PHP is a whole web infrastructure that requires constant monitoring not only from programmers but also from QA engineers. That is, for an ordinary tester, gaining knowledge in this area will be a good help for the development of personal skills, as well as an opportunity for career development in the field of programming.

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