QA As a Service During Data Organization Design Process

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The specialist who develops the data structure must answer the following fundamental questions:

  • What kind of data is processed by the program and what is their structure? Programs have to process quite simple data such as different types of variables, and also massive amounts of interrelated information that are thoroughly analyzed and organized in a relational database.

QA as a service is meant to identify and solve any problems related to development & release of software products. Also, it is an excellent way to find solutions to any of current issues whether it be specialized testing or custom verification & validation, or predictive analysis.   

  • How to get access to the data? Data can be stored in memory or on a durable medium, and these can accessed by entering the name or by using certain functions specially created for this purpose. The data may be available to the public, or can be read and changed strictly in accordance with established requirements.

Penetration test as a service gains popularity day by day as its benefits have been appreciated by many business owners namely those who deal with Internet resources. When inviting pen testers to check their digital assets, the entrepreneurs manage to prevent costly problems that might be caused by unauthorized users.

  • What are the principles of naming the data? Are certain naming conventions followed during this work? Should the names be quite clear to the programmer, who will take the full responsibility for product’s maintenance in the future, so that these could help him to understand the purpose of the data?
  • How is the data stored? Certain data will be stored on a durable medium. In what format will they be stored? How to access them? What additional software will be needed for this?

In fact, software is primarily analyzed to understand what functions it can perform, and only then to determine its capability to process data. Actually, code and data are the parts of a single whole. For example, modules, that access the same data, are closely related, even if they handle absolutely different operations on that data. If the data structure is changed, all of the modules accessing them have to be rewritten.

Game testing as a service is a unique opportunity for you to find tricky bugs in all kinds of video games! Do not allow any obstacles to interfere with your virtual, such a fascinating journey – enjoy favourite gameplay to the fullest!

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