Benefits to Outsource Testing to Ukrainian QA Specialists

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Testing process can be carried out based on formal and informal specifications. In some cases, there is the only minimum amount of documentation or even no any documentation involved in the test procedure.

Official testing is a document-driven process that reduces risks and costs associated with quality assurance. The level of formality depends on the scope and goals of testing, including organization, maturity of testing and development processes, time restrictions and competency of the personnel involved in the work.

If you decide to outsource testing to Ukraine, such a preference will appear to be cost effective in the first place. Moreover, you will be able to increase the effectiveness of your development process! There is no need to worry about a lack of time, resources, talent pool, infrastructure, effort, etc., since Ukrainian partners will provide you with everything you need to never bypass each of the significant development phases.

Test analysis involves investigating test basis with intent to determine what should be tested, namely test conditions are defined during it. Test conditions can be referred to as issues or events that will be verified by one or several test cases (for instance, functionality, transaction, quality characteristic or structure element).

Ukrainian testing outsourcing companies offer you a variety of QA services at attractive prices so that you can successfully deploy your software to people who need it. Determining traceability from test cases to specification and requirements documents allows you to estimate the consequences of frequently changing requirements as well as specify the degree to which the requirements will be covered with test suites available. During test analysis, the outsourcers develop a detailed approach to testing in order to choose the most appropriate test design techniques based on identified risks inclusive.

In designing tests, onshore and offshore quality assurance organizations basically determine and specify test cases and test data. Test case consists of input data set, execution-preconditions, predicted results and post conditions necessary for covering certain test conditions (or a test condition) or testing objective(s).  

Predicted results are to be indicated in test case specifications and include output data and conditions or other test results. Third party partners from Ukraine always determine the results so that to ensure test accuracy.

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