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A tester-polyglot is supposed to speak fluently different languages and at that to be good at software testing, right? Does this person exist?

There are fast development and modification of software products that are used worldwide. Accordingly, the products are to be implemented in different languages. When hiring a tester-polyglot, do software testing companies do wrong or right?

There is a wide variety of languages. A testing services company takes this fact into consideration when offering its services to the customers. The customers, in turn, attempt to modify their production for native speakers of different languages. It is not rare when running desktop testing or mobile app testing, the tester does not know the languages in which the apps were developed. However, principles and basics of software testing remain unchangeable. So the tester can run performance testing without any difficulties.

What May be Verified by a Tester Without Having Particular Linguistic Skills?

Page make up. When executing web testing, it is easy to detect inconsistencies or defects since they can be seen with the naked eye. For instance, these visual fouls are interpenetration of letters, headlines displacement, different spacing between the letters. Whatever the language is, the fouls are easily noticed.

Website testing services are needed to check your website’s quality, performance, reliability and functionality to ensure that it successfully works on various mobile devices and different browsers.

Functionality. Functional testing is the process carried out in the same manner to check a certain issue. Online dictionaries come useful for the tester when he receives the error message or any other message. Providing a functional testing service the tester aims to verify whether the software product meets functional requirements outlined in its specification.

Obvious contradiction.It is enough for the tester to have only basic knowledge of language grammar and a good sense of vision. In fact, these abilities are familiar to many people. The most popular mistakes are inverted question mark, usage of different types of quotations simultaneously, a small letter at the beginning of a sentence, etc.

Correspondence of letters in different languages. When entering necessary data, the tester should use the alphabet of the language in which the website or an app was developed. For example, there is no the letter «ẞ», in other languages, except for German. When testing a software product it is necessary to look closely at extra foreign words.

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