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On the average, a software programmer makes one mistake in every five lines of the code including misprints. It would seem that the figure is quite impressive, especially if to consider the number of code lines in a standard program. 90% of mistakes are corrected by the very developer at the testing stage.

Remaining 10% are detected during the testing itself, as a result, program, which is being prepared for release, has one mistake in every 2000-2100 lines of code.

Standard functional testing of the software is able to reduce the mistake number up to 30 times. American programs are considered to be one of the most qualitative ones, as the USA is the very country where modern operating systems appeared and the majority of the most frequently used products. But even in these programs it is possible to find few mistakes that are of some inessential inconvenience for ordinary users.

Defects removing is possible due to updating. Mobile gadgets owners can notice mistakes removing the most obviously, when while the update loading, on the official product page it is said which mistakes are removed by this or that application.

Mobile application testing is slightly similar to the web-sites testing and testing of the ordinary programs for the desktop. The issue is that because of the large number of different gadgets have different parameters , it takes a lot of time to test the application.

Making maximum efforts to ensure quality control becomes possible to make the application rather popular among the users, as it’ll have practically no bugs. For this, one can join forces of special agencies and various methods of defects detecting: automated and non-functional testing, usability, load testing and compatibility testing.

Now compatibility testing is of great importance, as some desktops or gadgets use old operating systems and the users in contrast, having recently updated their technical equipment, use last versions. In order to reach a wider audience, a program should function properly in all configurations. However, it doesn’t concern the sites, for the work of which, high-quality displaying on different browsers is necessary.

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