Aims of Load Testing Service

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Main aims of load testing as a service:

  • Assessment of app performance and app operativity on the development stage before exploitation one.
  • Assessment of app performance and app operativity on the stage of the new releases & patch-sets development.
  • App performance optimization, including server configuration & code optimization.
  • Selection of appropriate hardware (software platform) and server configuration for the application.

It should be noted that different aims use different testing types of performance and load testing. For the first three aims, testers should perform soak testing and performance testing as a service. When planning load testing, it’s more logical to start from technical aims (not commercial that are listed above) which are achieved as a result of testing and classify test on them.


  1. Performance Testing. Due to it, one can study the app performance, namely the response time of operations on different load stages, including stress load.
  2. Stability Testing will help to understand how app is tolerant to the mode of a long-term exploitation. In this case, a tester should perform stability testing.
  3. Stress Testing is intended to check the system reproduction after out-of-limit loads (and how fast it will happen), as well as the system behavior when one of the servers in a pool would stop its work, etc.

It is essentially important to realise the aims of every testing and do one’s best to achieve them successfully.

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