QA Consulting


Automation Testing Company – the One Who Protects Product

More often than not the top testing companies apply agile methodologies based on Agile/XP as well as various Java technologies. That’s why it is not a surprise that the automated testing services become one of the most spread and predominant specializations of the majority of professional testing companies.


3 Tips From Testing Outsourcing Companies on the Database Testing

Writing SQL queries To test the database correctly and accurately the top testing companies recommend testers, first of all, to learn properly SQL and DML (Data Manipulation Language). Second of all, a tester must splendidly understand the database internal structure. If these two conditions are met, the employee is ready for the database testing. He or she will perform any

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When Should Technical Writing Company be Appealed to?

Earlier we talked about the “critical” and “current” need in technical documentation. It is important for management to understand the situation with the technical texts in the company and, on this basis, to calculate what financial and human resources should be allocated to this area.


Is Technical Writing Company the Only One to Develop Documentation?

In modern world many companies developing software and electronics increasingly face with a question: who should write the technical documentation? There are only three answers: to hire a technical writer, to appeal to a freelancer or to charge this job with an outsourcing technical writing company.


Responsibilities of Software Testing Company and Developers

There is a belief that all the testing activities fully depend on a software testing company. After a long and time-consuming developing routing, the development team often wash its hands-free and entrust testing functions to a third party software testing services. This is actually a misbelief since both the team of developers and the software testing company are in charge

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Technical Writing Services in Compare with Writer’s Work

A lot of software testing outsourcing companies nowadays offers their customers the technical writing services as a part of the quality assurance background. But not everyone realizes the fundamental differences between a technical writer and usual writer (let’s call it literator). To immix these concepts would be incorrect, even though they are close.


Add-ins for Firefox to Assist a Dedicated Tester

Firebug It is not an exaggeration to say that almost any software testing company uses this add. By means of it all the necessary tools are at tester’s fingertips while using a browser. It is easy to edit, debug and explore CSS, HTML, JavaScript at any web page. Web Developer Toolbar A set of utilities, which in combination with Firebug,

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Best Outsourced Testing Services Are Provided by Remote Development Teams

Outsourcing software development is a great opportunity for saving money, resources and time. In order to ensure the best results, you should duly manage your software dedicated testing team.


Benefits & Drawbacks of Outsourcing Software Testing

Outsourcing software testing gained big popularity. But why did it happen? What is so special about it? Without any doubt, many people would love to know answers to these questions as they can often hear the word combination “outsourcing software testing”.


Manual Testing Services: Free Tools to Share Screenshots & Texts

Every dedicated tester who performs manual testing services faces the challenge of making a screenshot and sharing it with the other members of the dedicated testing team. The same problem has to do with some text, like logs.