QA Consulting


Quality Assurance Consultants: Discussion Groups & Product Survey

Discussion Groups Each product is designed for a specific market segment. The aim of this analysis method is to identify the key requirements of this segment. To do this, the analyst selects a small group of people who, in his opinion, are the most typical representatives of the desired segment. Members of the group do not know each other. Analyst

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Quality Assurance Company: Dedicated Testing Team Can’t Fully Replace Programming Team

Having a team of highly experienced testers does not necessarily mean that you can avoid resorting to service of programmers. These words should sound like an axiom.. Quality assurance company hires experienced testers to verify and validate software products throughout their entire development lifecycle. As a result, customers receive the best programs that satisfy their needs and even exceed expectations.

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Quality Assurance Consultant: Static Testing vs. Dynamic Testing

Static testing, or dry run testing, in the form of software testing where the code is examined without being executed. It is reviewed manually or with the use of different software testing tools. Dynamic testing, on the contrary, requires the program to be executed while interacting with it. Two basic strategies such as black box test design technique and glass

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Software QA Consulting Services: People Involved in Development of IT Products

Mission-critical software is rarely developed by a couple of individuals: usually this work is done by groups of people, sometimes quite numerous ones. In such a group, called a development team, all members carry their own roles and responsibilities. Even if you have to create programs single-handedly or together with a friend, it simply means that you at a time

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Performance Testing: How to Ensure Success of Software App

Why is it so important for each software tester to verify performance parameters of software products?


3 Levels of Test Automation

Automation testing company helps many organizations to increase speed and effectiveness of software testing processes.


What You Should Know About Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing is a security assessment method used to check systems or networks for vulnerabilities. Ethical hackers simulate attack on Internet accessible services so that to potentially gain access to the computer’s data or features. It lets us evaluate network’s or app’s ability to withstand hacker attack.


What is So Special About Web Testing Service?

Web applications are tested using the same classical test design techniques / approaches. Web application user interface is usually different than that of desktop software’s. Everyone knows how to use different web browsers because no special knowledge is needed to understand how they work.


Consulting About Stages of Software Development Process

Process of software development includes several stages which have their own peculiarities. 


The Impact of Early Software Testing on Product Price

Within the growing complexity if IT-infrastructure due to the number of integrated IT-systems – there is naturally increased demand on software testing service. The increased number & complexity of tests, and this, in turn, slows down the release of products into exploitation.