Load Testing


Best Load Testing Tools

The main idea of load testing is to create a certain level of load with the help of certain hardware and software tools, in order to study a load index of an application (device). This method can be the most efficient at the primary stages of development since it will help to receive the most actual results of the product’s performance index.


Fiddler: A Number One Product for HTTP Analysis

Sometimes, when QA engineers execute software testing, they have to monitor traffic between a client and a server, perform requests analysis and modifying. And in most cases, for this purpose specialists use Fiddler – a universal proxy that can intercept HTTP(S) traffic and ensure the work with it.


Quality Assurance Companies Sale Question

Ensuring accuracy, reliability and consistency of evaluation results, including return on investment is a difficult task indeed; winning management support is quite another problem. Even the best estimate of expenditure required to carry out a test subproject supplied with the most thorough business plan is no guarantee that you may avoid facing obstacles while making it. Some of these obstacles

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Offshore Software Testing Services: What Tasks Should Be Given in the First Instance

Software Testing Can be Classified as Follows: Functional testing is a software testing done to verify if an application performs its functions correctly (namely correctness of functional requirements). It is known as a black-box testing technique, however, white-box testing approach can be also useful for determining the functionality of a software app (checking the capability of the product to provide

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The Description of a Standard Load Testing Service with Example

Load testing companies count many types of load testing services, as the most of them are variations on a theme. Load Testing is a kind of performance testing that is executed to validate if the application will stand a load. It determines bottlenecks in the software and involves simulating real load for the target application. Proper load testing requires deep knowledge

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Aims of Load Testing Service

Main aims of load testing as a service: Assessment of app performance and app operativity on the development stage before exploitation one. Assessment of app performance and app operativity on the stage of the new releases & patch-sets development. App performance optimization, including server configuration & code optimization. Selection of appropriate hardware (software platform) and server configuration for the application.

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Load Testing Service: Main Objective & Technique

Load testing as a service provides capturing of performance indicators and a response time of the hardware-in-the-loop systems or devices in response to an external query in order to set up a correspondence with requirements. For studying the system response time at high or peak loads, dedicated testing teams perform stress testing service, due to the which a created load on a

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Software Testing Outsourcing: What? When? Why?

Outsource testing is known for a quite a long time in the global practice. Back in the 70s, the guru of programming Glenford Myers noted that for obtaining an objective assessment of the program product quality, independent software testing is necessary.


QA Testing Services: Automated and Manual Testing

Software testing service is a key factor for a successful workflow development and implementation. One of the main goals for developers, dedicated testers and business management, is to accelerate the process of testing and applications debugging, increasing of test coverage and improving the effectiveness of testing within the IT budget.


App and System Performance Testing

Performance testing is a process, which allows checking software behavior in real conditions, i.e., in terms of active use of the product in the necessary data amounts. In order to provide the customers with really good results, the software testing company should use various types of software testing services.