Software Testing Glossary

Defect Removal Efficiency

Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE) allows the development team to eliminate bugs before release. DRE is calculated as the correlation of bugs detected internally (by testers and software testing) with the amount of bugs that were detected externally (by users).

DRE’s formula:  DRE= (Number of defects found internally/ Number of defects found internally + Number of defects found externally) × 100.

Denial of Service (DoS)

The given class of attacks (Denial of Service/DoS) aimed to violate the access to web-server. Usually, the attacks, which are directed on denial of service, are released on the network level, but they also can be directed on an application level. When the hacker uses web-application functions, he can exhaust critical system resources, such as computational performance, core memory, drive space or communication bandwidth. If any of the resources will reach its maximum of loading, the entire application will be unavailable.

Attacks may be directed to any of the components of the web-application, such as a DBMS server, authentication server, etc.

Deprecated Code

Deprecated Code is a status of the code that is applied to the code by developers to indicate that this code shouldn’t be used. It’s a kind of backup in case if there are any problems with new code. It helps to transmit safely from old code to a new one.


Developer is a person that writes the code. There are different types of developers: computer programmers, application developers and system developers. They can also be called software engineers.

Development Environment

Development Environment is a set of procedures and tools for development, testing and debagging of a program. It can also be used as a synonym with integrated development environment (IDE). It’s closely connected with tiers.

Dirty List – White List

Dirty List – White List are two stages of black box testing. Dirty list comprises all the ideas about testing; it includes spec reading, exploration, getting information about features from other sources. White list is a stage on which one analyzes the ideas and transfers the ideas that make sense into another list.

Drop-Down Menu

Drop-Down Menu is a graphic user interface control element, which enables the user to choose one meaning from the list of them. When the drop-down menu is activated it displays the list of meanings from which the user can choose one. When the user choses the new meaning, control element returns to the passive state and displays the chosen meaning.

E-commerce Testing

E-commerce testing is an ad-hoc testing that includes the examination of financial and trade transactions by means of computer networks. E-commerce testing can be performed not only for the systems, oriented on the Internet but also for the online shops that use some other communicative environments as BBS, VAN, etc.